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Opponent is not moving from a lost position.

Opponent is not moving from a lost position.


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My opponent is not moving from a lost position. http://www.redhotpawn.com/core/playchess.php?gameid=9429017&cbqsid=9405

We have been blitzing (or rather lightning) the whole game. If I win now, which I rightly should, I am guaranteed 1934 [(1879*6+2264)/7]. If his rating changes, especially down, before I can claim a time-out, I will get less points. It is bad sportsmanship to not move from a lost position. He is forced to move Kf8, where the reply is Rh8#. Is there a way the game can be adjudicated to give me a win immediately, guaranteeing my 1934?

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1. This is a 1/0 game, the maximum time until time-out is already less than 24 hours.
2. Your rating is provisional, so the effect on your rating is still quite unpredictable.
3. This is a "turn-based" chess site (apart from the blitz board, that is) and your opponent may have something happening in his own life - sleeping, eating or paid work come to mind. Or a flat phone battery.
4. Your opponent may be examining the board at some length, trying to find a way out. People often play more slowly when they feel they're in danger.

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The thing is that he told me that he won't be moving.

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Even if he is doing it on purpose, I wouldn't be too bothered - even if he resigned every other game it wouldn't make a huge difference in your rating outcome, and it sure would mess with his rating! Just put him on your ignore list and never play him again, once you've taken the skull.


Originally posted by Kewpie
Even if he is doing it on purpose, I wouldn't be too bothered - even if he resigned every other game it wouldn't make a huge difference in your rating outcome, and it sure would mess with his rating! Just put him on your ignore list and never play him again, once you've taken the skull.
Mind you, the proper solution to his "problem" is not to get so hung up about a simple four-digit number. It's your rating on an internet chess site full of amateurs, hacks and kibitzers, for Steinitz' sake, not your PIN code.


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Some of us get a bit anal about our rating, even though we know it's meaningless. 😕

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My spirit goes up and down with my rating as well. If someone doesn't move you do something else. It doesn't really matter, as the Queen said.

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