I have been trying for two weeks to reset my password. I have had my account since 2008. I created this one to post on the forum and play for the time being.
My account was under my old hotmail email. I have tried the password reminder tool but I never get an email. Not even in the junk email folder. I sent a feedback help question in and someone named Chris emailed me back fast, and said for me to check the junk email folder. Since then, he has not replied.
I need someone to help me. Is there anyone that helps run the site that can help? PLEASE. I beg you. I just want to get back into my old account.
Since you have made moves under both User 354347 and User 350734 you're seriously in breach of the TOS item 3(a). and likely to get banned from the site under both names. Suggest you choose the first of those accounts and cease using the other for any purpose, and immediately send feedback coming clean on your actions. Also change the second user profile to indicate that this account will not be used anymore.
Originally posted by KewpieYes, there were at least 30games being played by both accounts at the same time in April '07..I suggest he's lost his password on a number of occasions...one of which he did so for 3yrs without any over-lap. I think he just got a bit greedy with games in '07 after finding the lost pass and playing both...but still, it doesn't quite add up why. I've seen posts from dual account users, but they were accounts that had had permission to drop one and create another and the account holder had simply logged into 'the wrong' account and posted comments from it.
Since you have made moves under both User 354347 and User 350734 you're seriously in breach of the TOS item 3(a). and likely to get banned from the site under both names. Suggest you choose the first of those accounts and cease using the other for any purpose, and immediately send feedback coming clean on your actions. Also change the second user profile to indicate that this account will not be used anymore.
Originally posted by KewpieYES, quite right, I missed his own reference to that also...and you know what, it's a line of defence that the 3a's could \ should utilise more often 😀
Possible that he's signed them up on two different sites, not realising that it's all one site. I was confused by this myself in the early days.