Originally posted by piptimeMy step by step guide to getting your forum avatar
i need to know how to put my picture on my profile
1. Look online (google images) for a picture you like. If it's perfect and about the right dimensions, go on to step 5. If the picture you find isn't quite perfect or is already on your computer, go to step 2.
2. Open the picture in a photo or art computer program for editting. If the picture is online, just copy and paste it in.
3. Use the photo or art program to get the picture just how you like it. When you're, save it (in case you need to use it again) and copy it.
4. Now ou have to find a place to host your future avatar. Such places like a clan page work perfectly. Just find somewhere that you can make your picture appear online.
5. Now, right click on your image and choose "copy image location." Then paste that location in the line for your forum avatar in your forum settings.
6. Update the forum settings, and poof! Your avatar.
Originally posted by ark131 1/2. Make sure it's not copyrighted. Or if it is, but you would very much like to use that picture, you could contact the owner (if there is a contact address) and ask if you may use it. I find it very annoying when people use my pictures without asking (and some people will not just find it annoying, but actually threaten with legal actions). Taking (or creating) pictures and publishing them on the internet can take quite a lot of time, effort and money, and it's also something personal you share with others. If people ask, I usually don't say no as long as it's for a non-commercial purpose and they give me credit.
1. Look online (google images) for a picture you like.
Originally posted by sasquatch672Looks like you figured it out yourself. Now you only need an avatar. 🙂
Thanks alot man. But I can't get RHP to "remember" where the picture is. Meaning I click "update profile after I paste the location in, and it says "profile updated", but when I go to my profile it's still not there. Wassupwidat?