I think it should be possible to resign without you're the one supposed to move! This is also possible in
"real" chess. The same is not the case with offering a draw... you could only do that when you're the one to move.
Another idea is that it should be possible to see what your rating would be in the 3 cases: - Win - Draw - Loss.
How is the rating calculated... anyone know?
If you have a game you want to resign... message the person you are playing and ask them to move... tell them you are going to resign.
Here is the rating calculator that gregoftheweb wrote.... Doesn't show draw scores... but it is still handy. Check it out.
Originally posted by gregofthewebThis is from the pop up help FAQ.......
How are the ratings from a draw calculated? I can put another button on that tool.
Players are rated using the following formula:
New Rating = Old Rating + K * (Score - Win Expectancy)
K is a constant (32 for 0-2099, 24 for 2100-2399, 16 for 2400 and above)
Score is 1 for a win, 0.5 for a draw and 0 for a loss.
The Win Expectancy is calculated using the following formula:
Win Expectancy = 1 / (10^(( Opponent Rating - YourRating) / 400)+1)
The Win Expectancy is used in the rating calculation but is interesting on its own. For example, the calculation below is for a rating difference of 200. This shows that if you have a rating 200 points higher than another player, you can expect to beat them, on average, three times for each four games played.
Win Expectancy = 1 / (10 ^ (-200 / 400)+1) = 0.76
Note: ^ = "to the power of", e.g. 2^3=8.
Hope that helps... It's all greek to me... otherwise known as math.
Originally posted by gregofthewebNow that is service! Good work!
Score is 1 for a win, 0.5 for a draw and 0 for a loss.
I was missing that piece of information. It now shows draws.
Can you add another panel... this would be "chance to win game"... it is based on this info here.
The Win Expectancy is used in the rating calculation but is interesting on its own. For example, the calculation below is for a rating difference of 200. This shows that if you have a rating 200 points higher than another player, you can expect to beat them, on average, three times for each four games played.
Win Expectancy = 1 / (10^(-200/400)+1) = 0.76
We could probably also do with a calculator for the 'p' rules.
If a 'p' player with a rating of P (e.g. 1256p for P=1256) has already completed N games and finishes a game against an opponent rated Q, his new rating will be
P + (Q - P + 800 * (S-0.5) * K) / (N+1)
where S = (1 for a win, 0.5 for a draw, 0 for a loss)
and K = (1 if opponent has a normal rating, 0.5 if opponent also has a 'p' rating)
Until a player has finished 5 games, their rating shows as 1200p, but this formula requires their true (unstable, hidden) rating. I can't remember whether this is visible anywhere.
You also have to remember that the K factor in the usual rating calculation is reduced by 50% (if I remember correctly) for a result against a 'p'-rated player.