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Real Chess vs. RedHotPawn Chess

Real Chess vs. RedHotPawn Chess


Ray Zachary

07 Oct 01
24 Feb 03
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Subject Game 167796

Regarding the subject game, I question how the rules of chess fit with the computer logic of redhotpawn. In the next to the last move of this game, the white knight is moved to its final position leaving the column open between the black rook and the white rook.
Black takes the white rook with his queen for check mate. However, it seems to me that the black rook does not protect the black queen because he cannot move without exposing his king to the white queen. Therefore the white king should be able to take the black queen. In that case, white would win with his next move, the white queen taking the black rook. As it turned out, white lost in the redhotpawn world.
What's the real truth of the matter, for future reference.

Very truly yours,

Raymond Zachary

David Tebb

26 May 02
24 Feb 03
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Originally posted by Ray Zachary
Subject Game 167796

Regarding the subject game, I question how the rules of chess fit with the computer logic of redhotpawn. In the next to the last move of this game, the white knight is moved to its final position leaving the column open between the black rook and the white rook.
Black takes the white rook with his queen for check mate. However, ...[text shortened]... t's the real truth of the matter, for future reference.

Very truly yours,

Raymond Zachary
Ray, I see no problem with this game.

A piece can give checkmate even though the piece protecting it is pinned.

In your game KxQ isn't possible, but even if the rules allowed it, black would use his rook to take your king (immediately ending the game) before you could take his!



Lightly Salted...

18 Jul 01
24 Feb 03
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I'm afraid that it would be checkmate in real chess as well. A pinned piece, in this case the black rook, still 'projects' it's control over squares as if it was not pinned. This 'projected' control only really effects the King in that the King may not move into check which is what it would be doing if it could capture the Queen. Any other piece could capture the Queen and the Rook could do nothing to prevent it because it cannot move. I hope this helps as it's kind of hard to describe.


Ray Zachary

07 Oct 01
24 Feb 03
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Thanks for the help. The logic is clearer now.

Ray Zachary

07 Oct 01
24 Feb 03
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