Originally posted by Evil Pawn 666Refresh board only puts you back to normal if you've moved any pieces, or if your opponant happened to move.
Would someone please explain what (refresh board ) means and how it works. Also if you are playing a game with someone on line, how do you know when that person moves without going back to "My Games". As you may have guessed, I am new to RHP
Consider getting FireFox browser, one of the scripts shows you how many games you have waiting in the bottom right corner of your browser regardless of what page you are viewing online.
Read a little about FireFox here:
Thread 71762
View my FireFox starter kit. Under the oroborus RHP scripts, you're going to want the one near the bottom called:
Move Waiting Informer
by Wayne1324
Lists how many games are waiting.
You're going to want a lot of them, don't use the one that hides your pieces though.
Install the starter kit in order, and I think you'll like it.
There are other RHP notifiers, you can probably find something using Google to search for "RHP Move Notifier" if you're not interested in moving up to FireFox.
Originally posted by Evil Pawn 666I use the "Refresh Board" instead of the IE Reload. When I'm waiting for a quick respons from my opponent, I use the Refresh now and then to know when he have made his move.
Would someone please explain what (refresh board ) means and how it works. Also if you are playing a game with someone on line, how do you know when that person moves without going back to "My Games". As you may have guessed, I am new to RHP