Hello. Apologies if the thread is in the wrong forum. I would like to know if there is a limit to consecutive identical moves. For example, I have an active game where my king is in check and cornered by my opponent's queen. I have 1 move I can make, however my opponent makes a corresponding move which places me in check, leaving my previous position open. I move back, the opponent makes a corresponding move to place in our original position, which my king in check and cornered. We have made these moves about 10 times. How many times will that happen before the system calls it a draw (if there is a limit)? I've offered a draw to my opponent to end the game, but they've refused (or do not know how to claim). Any help is much appreciated.
This is one of those areas where many people fear to tread because this is a game in progress and a game in progress is between two people only with no outside help. I think the powers that be at one point said it was alright to tell people about en passent, castling, and draws, so here goes nothing. In the red bar above, under "Help" pick "FAQ" and then read up on the section about draws.