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Rule of Thumb Guide for Rating Calculation

Rule of Thumb Guide for Rating Calculation


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Is there a "rule of thumb" rating calculation to go by? For example, "For every 50 points higher/lower than your oponent you are, a win adds X points to your rating, and a loss takes away Y points from your rating." Anything like that at all? The rating calculation on the FAQ seems too lengthy for a quick-glance calculation.

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Originally posted by wittywonka
Is there a "rule of thumb" rating calculation to go by? For example, "For every 50 points higher/lower than your oponent you are, a win adds X points to your rating, and a loss takes away Y points from your rating." Anything like that at all? The rating calculation on the FAQ seems too lengthy for a quick-glance calculation.
Every 25 points rating difference gives you 1 point more if you win. Or 4 points for every 100 points difference. If you are equal in rating you get 16 points.

This works approximatively, only a rule of thumb. And only between non-provisional players and players below 2100 points in rating.

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Originally posted by wittywonka
Is there a "rule of thumb" rating calculation to go by? For example, "For every 50 points higher/lower than your oponent you are, a win adds X points to your rating, and a loss takes away Y points from your rating." Anything like that at all? The rating calculation on the FAQ seems too lengthy for a quick-glance calculation.

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Alright, thanks.

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