This is in reguards to the e-mail that I have sent you. I was wondering if you ever figgured out why some games in clans do not update? I have also noticed that other clans have not updated after they have won or lost. I really hope that I am not being a pain. I was just wondering if this is a bug to be worked out or what?
Sorry not to get back to you sooner.
I think you will find this is not actually a problem, just a misunderstanding by yourself (which is not surprising, as there is no help for the clans). I did investigate after your feedback a while ago, and everything seemed as it should - and I even worked out why you were getting confused. But I have long since forgotten, unfortunately.
Can you let me know again what the problem was, and I will look again, and reply here, just in case there are others who have the same problem.
EDIT : I just went through the feedback log. I had sent an email to you saying "I could see no problem, can you send more detail". So, can you explain in detail what you mean by "clans have not updated after they have won or lost." Then we should be able to get to the bottom of this. π
Originally posted by RussI don't know if Mike already has sent you an e-mail, but to make sure:
Sorry not to get back to you sooner.
I think you will find this is not actually a problem, just a misunderstanding by yourself (which is not surprising, as there is no help for the clans). I did investigate after your feedback a while ago, and everything seemed as it should - and I even worked out why you were getting confused. But I have long si ...[text shortened]... after they have won or lost." Then we should be able to get to the bottom of this. π
Once a clan challenge is finished, the points are not rewarded untill you check the page of the challenge, so I can understand that if your clan is playing a lot of challenges (I check them all twice a day...π) it's quite annoying to go check them all before the points are awarded.
Originally posted by RussThanks Russ,
Ah, OK, this is true.
This does happen - and I will take a look at this in the future.
After the smashing last victory of mine against DigitGus of ::πpain:::, the score was leveled and the Dutch clan remained unbeaten.
Hm, I forgot the subject, it showed that it was drawn even before I checked the page!
So is it possible that the scores can be held up because an opponent does not archive or check the pages? I'm confused. I usually do not revisit the game, I just archive it. I have still been awarded the occasional points.
I want to make sure that all the clans that find so much joy in woopin "The Americlans" butt are not denied their just desserts.
I went to the "list all challenges", and scanned through it looking for the games we are currentley playing. I found 19 (give or take).
When I go to "my archives" and "my games" I show that I have currently 37 clan games going and 20 finished.
I dont know if I am looking in the wrong places or what.