Originally posted by rrrrrrrThe in-game message will only work when it is your turn to move.
Me again...I'd like to contact my opponent. There is a message link but I can't figure out how to use it. Is there a hidden button? thanks y'all
Click it before submitting your move and a text box will open. Type your message and submit that. Once you have done that, go ahead and make your move and submit it. The message will be sent at the same time as your move is sent. You will see it above the game board. If you send the move first, then you can no longer send an in-game message until the next time it is your turn to move, so make sure you enter and submit your message first.
Another option is to send a private message, which can be done at any time to any other member. Do that by clicking their username, then click the message option that will show up on the left side of their profile page.
(You do not have to be playing a game with someone to send them a PM. You can do it at any time.)
I hope that helps.