Originally posted by UncleAdamThat's a very good idea...and another one: (I hope...) The send message isn't very easy (two clicks...😕) to reach...could it be on the My Home bar/list?
In the messager I had an idea, what if you could send a message to more then one person at a time.
this would be useful if you whant to send a message to all your clan without haveing to send alot of messages
I knew this would come up - and I had planned to do it exactly for the reason you suggested, that is, talking to the 'clan'.
As for providing a quicker link - that should be no problem. I will add one soon.
I had considered adding a link wherever a user's name is rendered, so you could message them in one quick click, but this might get a little messy. Still worth considering though.
Originally posted by Russ
I knew this would come up - and I had planned to do it exactly for the reason you suggested, that is, talking to the 'clan'.
Thanks, this could also be used for sending a general message to friends
I had considered adding a link wherever a user's name is rendered, so you could message them in one quick click, but this might get a little messy. Still worth considering though.
I dont think when ever a players name would be good, but maby in profiles, also a link to start a game from players profiles would be good to.