Positions are coded into FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) strings, that are (IIRC) part of the PGN standard.
Could I suggest you to use a real program to pass tatical exercises to your friend? Maybe EPD2DIAG, or use plain PGN files, with something like this:
[Event "White to Win"]
[Site "Tactics"]
[Date "2004.01.20"]
[Round "-"]
[White "-"]
[Black "-"]
[Result "*"]
[FEN "r1bnr2k/4q1pp/p2Rp3/1p2Qp2/1P5P/P3P3/1B3PP1/1BR3K1 w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
r . b n r . . k
. . . . q . p p
p . . R p . . .
. p . . Q p . .
. P . . . . . P
P . . . P . . .
. B . . . P P .
. B R . . . K .
white to play
(this was generated with WinBoard)
You mean, you already have the FEN string, and want to setup a board on TimeForChess/RedHotPawn using the FEN string, instead of clicking and clicking and clicking and clicking and clicking?
In case that this is your question, I'm afraid I canno't help you. I never tried to setup a position in a board here...
Originally posted by cesarakgI don't think that this is possible right now. but you can ask Russ to add that, it should be easy. but it's easy as well to click click click and set up a board that way 😉
In case that this is your question, I'm afraid I canno't help you. I never tried to setup a position in a board here...
Originally posted by AJAXOI've only done this once but I had problems as well until I realised that I was forgetting to check/uncheck the bit about castling.
I am trying to tutor a guy; send him positions that embody forks & pins. The set up is very awkward & sometimes generates error messages for which I can see no reason. Is there a way to enter a position viea the PFN (or whatever the initials are)?
Yes it would be a great feature if we could input a FEN.
Many thanks to you guys for helping me out. I think one cannot input a FEN to setup. I've tried every-whitch-away. Why I wanted to do that; my guy makes a move which kills the shot & I must set up the board again. And again. Since going clickety-click generates a FEN & since that FEN can be copied to Notepad it should be easy to copy FROM Notepad. But, nooooooo.:'(