Originally posted by downed loveLink at the top right of the screen.
what are sieges and how do you join them
The concept of sieges is quite simple. Some 'controls' a board. They defend it playing as black. Challengers come and try to win the board playing as white.
If the challenger wins the game - he's now the defender for the next challenger. It has to be a win - draws count as a successful defence.
Queues form for the right to challenge. There are many boards to choose from in many different time controls - the queue sizes may seem daunting but for quick time controls they'll rattle along nicely.
[not sure if you need to subscribe in order to join a queue]?
edit - subscription seems necessary - cheers lukerik
[siegeid]4[/siegeid] is currently held by erice1 who has been banned from the site and his subscription cancelled.
The other two without stars were subscribers whose subscriptions have expired - but they can finish any tournament/clan/siege games they have started.
Don't know what happens to board 4 though - maybe send feedback to get Russ to terminate the current game.
Originally posted by C J HorseYou're right - I got that all wrong
I though a draw counted as an unsuccessful defence. Don't you have to win as black to keep control of the board?
Here's what it says on the siege page :-
Win as white to capture the board, winning as black will successfully defend the board.
A draw will count as a capture for white, and the defending black player will be ousted.
A queue of challengers will develop - the defender must play each in sequence until beaten.
The defender or the new challenger may start the next waiting game at anytime.
You may only be in one queue for each timeout series, although you may be at a board and waiting in a different queue.
Dominate this game by achieving consecutive successful defences.