some little improvemnts for playchess.php:
a) the width of the board and the box where all captured pieces are do not match.
b) add the time-settings somewhere and the current standing.
c) add a slight transparency to the green color that is selected so that I can see which colour the square has where I just moves the piece to
d) add the current FEN somewhere
Originally posted by thireRe: 'a' : This is fixed on next release. Funny you should mention it now - it has been the wrong width since the site launched.
some little improvemnts for playchess.php:
a) the width of the board and the box where all captured pieces are do not match.
b) add the time-settings somewhere and the current standing.
c) add a slight transparency to the green color that is selected so that I can see which colour the square has where I just moves the piece to
d) add the current FEN somewhere
I will try to get the time settings on their soon - but not this time, unfortunately.
hey you know me: I am patient! Take your time!
When I see something (like the box-width) I mention it. Just to help you! 🙂
I love the site, I love playing here and I enjoy it very much.
the other things are just to help you to find further improvements - for the case that you don't know what to do the weekends 😉 😀 😀 ;D
PS: I am very curious for the next release... this week or next moth - no matter when! 🙂