This is indeed a bug, and it happens very infrequently. (It is because the stalemate condition it checked before the piece is promoted - it should be simple to fix (I hope) )
I will get to work on it once I have the new release up. (Don't like to meddle with too many things at once)
The game should be restored for the time being anyway, so enjoy finishing your game.
Same game, tiny bug. I tried to check out the game. When I pressed <one move back> I saw the black queen being "demoted" to pawn. Then I wondered how the pawn promoting caused a check mate. After some fiddling I discovered that when the board is first shown, the very last move is played back: Qe8-b8, "unmate". But after that, pressing <one move forward> does NOT show that move anymore. In other words, the game 'ends' one move early, when replaying it.
Is this perhaps what is called an Obi-wan ('off by one'π bug? :-)
Originally posted by thiredo you mean by this, where does the term "check mate" come from? I heard somewhere it is from Yatch Mach (and yes, that's phonetically written) meaning "the king is dead". Obviously the langusage is of somemof the earliest players of chess, but embarasingly I can't remember which one.
can anybody tell me why the game is "check mate"? π
C&R, have you ever concidered writting or getting someone to write a brief history of chess? I'd find that interesting (maybe I should go down to th elibrary, but all the books ar ein French or Dutch)