Hello. I have lately been pondering on whether to subscribe to this site or not. I was wondering if I could get some feed-back as to whether some of you whom have subscribed, have found it worthy of the expense or not. Also, would it be possible to subscribe even if I didn't have a credit card?
Originally posted by ChessMachine2004The site (during my limited time here) has only had one major downtime which had prior warning and was thanks to the moving of servers. Other than that there has just been scheduled maintenance (which while annoying isn't serious).
I do have a debit card, and was also wondering whether this site is reliable or not.
Russ runs a tight ship and apart from a few people deserving of a good ol fashioned keelhauling people are friendly.
The ability to play in tournaments and clans as well as the no game limit is well worth the money.
Originally posted by cancer2287Use the 'Send Feedback' option at the bottom of this page.
Hi! I do not have a credit card. I would like to subscribe to this website. how do I go about it? Hope to hear from you soon.
The initiatives of this website have ways of payiing otherwise than by credit card. Just ask them how.
Reading is fun.