@t25 saidHi, the Formula is simple: timeout +timebank is the total amount. Timeout is replenished after each move, time bank is consumed only once.
How do I found out how much time my opponent has before he has run out of time? When I click on the info section it does not show me exactly how many hours he has left before his time expires (so I can win on time).
You can Claim one timeout in your games as far as I can see. In fact that you can take a timeout win is displayed by a skull Symbol in your games list.
Thanks for your replay but I would like to know exactly how long do I have to wait before I can claim a skull
14 Oct 19
@t25 saidIf you go to the "Clock" Register on the games page you see the exact time of Time-out.
Thanks for your replay but I would like to know exactly how long do I have to wait before I can claim a skull