Maybe I'm missing something here, but if a tournament grouping is mathematically complete, why hasn't the next round started? The reference is the one hundred to one tournament in group 13, all other groupings appear to be complete. Group 13 is mathematically complete and is the only one holding up the next round. I'm sure the same scenario can be found for other tournaments as well.
There's always been a policy that new rounds don't start until all the games in the current round have been completed.
I think it's about time this policy was abandoned. The tournaments are taking too long, mainy because of a few slow players, who are not going to progress to the next round anyway.
I'm involved in 4 tourneys which are being held up in this way. It would be nice if we could finish at least one of them this year.
I agree. The hundred to one tournament has been going on for five months now, and it is still in the first round. That is ridiculous. Who wants to join a tournament that is going to take two years to complete? Perhaps there should be a three month limit on each round, with all unresolved games being declared draws at that point.
Originally posted by rwingettThe problem with that suggestion is that it would only encourage people who are losing to drag out their games, as they would be rewarded with an automatic draw after 3 months!
Perhaps there should be a three month limit on each round, with all unresolved games being declared draws at that point.
But why not start the next rounds for tournaments in which all the group winners are known? The stragglers can continue to play their slow games if they wish, but not at everyone else's expense.