Originally posted by masniakFolk have their own style and ability of play so in short no. If however the style & ability were a match then eyebrows may be raised and games looked into.
I am new to this, playing here for about a month. Now my wife found it really nice and created an account for herself. We have two comps in our place. Are we going to have any problems because two-accounts-one-person accusation?
I've often wondered about this kind of thing myself. How site admins determine whether it's a case of 2 people sharing 1 IP or 1 computer, or 1 person having 2 accounts. Perhaps as an extra precaution you should also avoid playing against your wife. This has the added benefit of preserving domestic harmony.
Originally posted by kkenjiYou certainly don't want a bunch of games with one player losing to fools or scholar's mate every time.
I've often wondered about this kind of thing myself. How site admins determine whether it's a case of 2 people sharing 1 IP or 1 computer, or 1 person having 2 accounts. Perhaps as an extra precaution you should also avoid playing against your wife. This has the added benefit of preserving domestic harmony.
You also don't want to run around the forum constantly agreeing with the user on the same IP, this makes it look like the same person.
One Pro Tip for avoiding posting or playing chess moves from the same IP on the WRONG user name is the two players use two different chess sites.
One logs in at Redhotpawn or Playtheimmortal game while the other logs in at Timeforchess or chessatwork. That way when one sits down they can see instantly by color that they are logged in with the wrong name rather than posting or moving pieces under the other user's name.