Originally posted by Vince123You cannot unbook the current day (and I think a day is defined from midnight to midnight Greenwich Mean Time). But from the day after and onward, I think I have succeeded to unbook... (?)
I posted about a week vacation, but when I returned from vacation I was unable to unpost or cancel the"You are currently booked on vacation . . ." Am I missing something or does the vacation time period simply run out?
Originally posted by coquetteIf you want to cancel vacation that has not yet started, then you click on the highlighted days on the calendar to cancel.
it's not a cancel button. if i remember, you just click on the booked days and it clears them. a little experimentation will get it done. someone will help soon too.
When you want to cancel vacation that has started already, then there's a link on the left that does the job (at least, that's what I remember). It cancels unused days only - so cancelling current vacation won't clear your vacation flag until midnight (GMT)