Originally posted by SchackfredrikCurrently the vacation allotment runs from 1st Jan through to 31st Dec, as a subscriber you'll be given a maximum 36 days for the year. If you've recently subscribed then you'll be given 3 days for each month of subscription in this 'vacation' year.
How many days of vacation has a subscriber right to every year?
So someone signing up today for a subscription would get 9 days of vacation for the rest of 2007, then a full 36 for 2008.
That's my understanding anyway.
[edit: oops - missed phlabibits post]
Actually I think you would only get 6 if you signed up today (in October). At least, I signed up in July, and I didn't get any days for July, only August-December (15).
In a way it's kind of bad, because a lot of people are going to need vacation days in December, and if you sign up in November you'll only get 3 (or December you won't get any). I'd rather see you get all 36 at once, and then have them reset on your subscription renewal (that way also people don't wind up with a bunch of extra days at the end of December, leading to almost everyone being on vacation).
Originally posted by Drew LHmm... in that case, I wonder if it goes based on your join date and not your subscribe date. You joined on May 1, so June through December would be 7 months for 21 days total.
I subscribed in mid August and was given 21 days
Not that I would really consider that the "right" thing to do... but it fits the data (so far).
edit: Just realized on your post it says joined Apr. 30, but I was going by your profile, which says May 1. (time zone thing maybe)