I'm with you, thire - but...
I want two more sortable fields on the "my games" list:
Time remaining before my timebank kicks in.
Time remaining bofore I can be timed out (ie lose the game).
This would really help to prioritize games. Can't be too difficult , Russ, since the info's already there.
While on the topic - is there any way to prevent being sent move reminders by opponents? I find it especially irritating to receive reminders when there is still oceans of time remaining. Maybe you can limit the reminders to after the timebank kicks in, or if there is no timebank, to the last 24hours. Or better still, an option to disable the "feature" altogether.
Originally posted by GatecrasherI mentioned that some time ago, but no reaction yet 🙁
While on the topic - is there any way to prevent being sent move reminders by opponents? I find it especially irritating to receive reminders when there is still oceans of time remaining. Maybe you can limit the reminders to after the timebank kicks in, or if there is no timebank, to the last 24hours. Or better still, an option to disable the "feature" altogether.