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When Does The Rating Count?

When Does The Rating Count?


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Ok, when you accept someones challange and say their rating is 1200, but when you finish the game their rating is 1300. What is counted as you beat them? The 1200 rating or the 1300 rating?

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Originally posted by Pawn Artist
Ok, when you accept someones challange and say their rating is 1200, but when you finish the game their rating is 1300. What is counted as you beat them? The 1200 rating or the 1300 rating?

Even worse is when they start out at 1500, and they are rated 1240 when you win. Gah!


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so the lower the rating the better the player or the higher. dumb question I know but thought I'd better clarify! 😳

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Higher rating generally means a better player. You gain points for wins, lose for losses and might lose or gain points on draws depending on the rating of your opponent.

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ok thanks! 😀
ready to roll now.

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Unless you're like me facing ItsYouThatIAdore and Dustnrogers in tourney games rated at 1250~ each! If by some miracle I win, I get squat, and if I lose I get hammered!

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