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Why do I need to log in to DailyChess.com now?

Why do I need to log in to DailyChess.com now?


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If you use this web site, but do not use RedHotPawn.com to access it, you will now be redirected to DailyChess.com.

Your games are safe, it is the same web site.

So, if you played on ChessAtWork.com, RedHotChess.com, TimeForChess.com or PlayTheImmortalGame.com, you will now need to either login to DailyChess.com, or use the primary brand, RedHotPawn.com.

Remember, you can change your theme if you want to retain your preferred colors.

Update your bookmarks to reflect the change, if applicable.

More details in Thread 180065.

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Demonstration on changing the site theme for new DailyChess players.

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