I'm pretty sure the last move time is updated to reflect the time that a timeout is claimed. I was once timed-out without a move being made, but it showed a last move time.
Also I sort my games by time of last move and when I have claimed a win in the past, the game has moved to the top of the queue - same as if a move had just been made.
Originally posted by saffa73As has already been suggested, I'm fairly sure that the RHP system treats a timeout claim as a 'move', so that the date time of the last move is in fact when the timeout happened.
Is it possible to see won what date and at what time a timeout win was claimed. Is it the last move time? Or was that really when the last move was made. If so, can one see when it was claimed.
This doesn't have anything to do with the Grand Split tournament we're both in by any chance? I noticed that one of your games timed out while you were away, but not any of the others.