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Work List


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Now that you're devoting most of your time to site improvements you are surely getting swamped with a new wave of requests and ideas.

The problem is nobody but you knows what specific things you're working on, so you most likely will be getting many repetitive requests.

It might be mutually helpful if you were to publish your 'to do list', and update it periodically.

just a thought,

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This isn't a bad idea.

I will type up a list tomorrow and publish it.


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Originally posted by Russ
This isn't a bad idea.

I will type up a list tomorrow and publish it.

Don't forget to put this on your list 😉

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Wah, I'll get stuck in a recursive loop and not get anything else done...

Some of the things I am doing are architecture related, and others are administation tools, so threfore are of little interest to people here (well, maybe some). I will keep it limited to just features/changes that I am adding.

Unfortunately, some of the architecture work is the most time consuming.


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Ok, in on particular order :

*Rewrite help!
*Multipart emails [HTML] - (including a very big email architecture change)
*Links on emails, so you don't have to be logged in to go straight to your game [this appears to cause loads of grief to new users]
*Calendar view for 'my games'
*Improved vacation interface, with calendar.
*Increased number of notification emails for site events - and options to turn them off.
*Sand Box (or board analyser)
*A whole load of clan enhancements - [opt out of clan games option, optional number of players in challenge, plus a load more...]
* Random tournie Option [and a possible complete rewrite to allow complete rounds to progress without delay]
*Suggest an opponent option on new game.
*Improved game history viewer
*'Favourite games' list (bookmark games that you are watching)
*Massive 'my games' page rewrite.
*Introduction of leagues.
*Introduction of an another alternative way of playing games, to complement tournaments and clan games, which I think will be a huge amount of fun. (Even if it is a little self indulgent.)
*Active players (players online)
*Improved profile, with more information (such as clan membership and the performance graph) on it. It will become a single page rather than a pop-up. I am trying to remove pop-ups from the site.
*Lots of work for new users. I need to get new users involved in the site at an earlier stage before they lose interest or get confused. This includes auto-creating games as they join, so they can get stuck straight in.
*Reintrodcution of the performance page.
*Login by username or email.
*Link 'buttons' which people can place on their own sites to promote RHP.

Plus loads of database and code optimisations, an effort to make the site interface more consistent throughout the site, and tools to make managing the site easier. [This is the a large portion of the work involved]

That was a quick brain dump, I've probably forgotten loads - and that lot alone will keep me busy for a very long time!


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wow ... a league system ... great idea

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Originally posted by schweigi
wow ... a league system ... great idea
What is a league system?


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Originally posted by Russ
Ok, in on particular order :

*Rewrite help!
*Multipart emails [HTML] - (including a very big email architecture change)
*Links on emails, so you don't have to be logged in to go straight to your game [this appears to cause loads of grief to new users]
*Calendar view for 'my games'
*Improved vacation interface, with calendar.
*Increased number of no ...[text shortened]... probably forgotten loads - and that lot alone will keep me busy for a very long time!

...here we can see how much work Russ does for us: So many things changed since then, some other features came and we all know that many many other wonderful features will come!
It's really a very very good site!
Long lives our admin Russ. 😀

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Originally posted by thire
...here we can see how much work Russ does for us: So many things changed since then, some other features came and we all know that many many other wonderful features will come!
It's really a very very good site!
Long lives our admin Russ. 😀

Thanks for that.

I started reading that list nervously - but I'm quite pleased - quite a few have been removed from the list already.

Now I remember promising someone a new feature by Xmas..now what was that?


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Originally posted by Russ

Thanks for that.

Now I remember promising someone a new feature by Xmas..now what was that?

Awarding clan points as soon as the battle is beyond doubt? 😀

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quite a few have been removed??? 🙄
no! some little things rest! 😀 🙂

I know what you promised s.o. for X-mas: you wanted to remove the "search forum"... (people can read these lists and promises and...)

ääähhäämm wasn't it something with RHP-live? 😛


[edit]: no, it's the 3-fold repetion! see http://www.timeforchess.com/board/showthread.php?id=7222 and

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