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Zero-day Timeouts with a Timebank

Zero-day Timeouts with a Timebank


W.P. Extraordinaire

State of Franklin

13 Aug 03
12 Feb 04
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Timebanks would be interesting if you had a 0-day timeout with a larger timebank!! 😲

How long does the average game last with a 3-day timeout? Maybe 60-days? So how about a timebank of 30 days and no timeouts? Your clock starts right away. You move and now your opponent's clock is ticking down. Then he moves and now your clock is ticking down.

Sound familiar? It's a chess clock playing a sudden death game! If you run out of time before your opponent, you lose. You have to play fast to preserve your timebank as much as you can. But not so fast you make mistakes. πŸ˜€

The timeout is like a 5 second delay on the chess clock. It's you thinking time. So maybe you have a 3 hour timeout so you won't lose simply by the flag drop when your timebank runs out.

Games will go much faster with a very very short timeout and with a reasonable timebank. A game with a 30-day timebank would not go for more than 60 days with a zero timeout. A 7-day timebank would be over in 2 weeks at most! It's like speed correspondence chess!! πŸ˜€ πŸ™„


19 Aug 02
12 Feb 04
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Sounds more like 'Live' chess rather than the 'correspondence' chess that is the theme of this site.

515 + 30 days

Syver Yurt TC

08 Mar 03
12 Feb 04
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Originally posted by trekkie
Sounds more like 'Live' chess rather than the 'correspondence' chess that is the theme of this site.
Absolutely. This is a 'turn based play' site with good time controls. If you want 'blitz style' play then shove off to Yahoo or ICC and play there. It's typical of the Coletti's and the Ravello's with their relatively light game load wanting to change the rules / playing conditions that if implemented would seriously affect those players who simply elect to play more games.
Give them 200 games, all with zero T/O and and a 30 day timebank.
Listen for the squealing and whinning then !!

the skeeter

EDIT : After reading the 'tourneys' forum you can now lump "flexmore" in with that lot et al.


10 Feb 03
12 Feb 04
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seems a reasonable and simple idea.

It is indeed closer to live rather than correspondance chess, but given how much work Russ is putting into RHP live, it seems a mid-way "live-ish" option might not be out of place. Its still correspondance chess, but with a definite maximum time per game (which with longer timebanks should be more than reasonable, particularly for tounaments, for those that play them).

So if you want to play correspondance, use N days / move (+ holiday timebank). If you want to blitz, use 0 days/move and timebank the whole thing.

After all, its up to you what games you choose to play, under what time system. Whatever anyone else chooses is their concern. If you don't like blitz, just don't play it.

Godless Commie


06 Jan 04
12 Feb 04
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Originally posted by Coletti
Timebanks would be interesting if you had a 0-day timeout with a larger timebank!! 😲

How long does the average game last with a 3-day timeout? Maybe 60-days? So how about a timebank of 30 days and no timeouts? Your clock starts right away. You move and now your opponent's clock is ticking down. Then he moves and now your clock is ticking down.
...[text shortened]... day timebank would be over in 2 weeks at most! It's like speed correspondence chess!! πŸ˜€ πŸ™„
Other sites work exclusively on this principle, and it works reasonably well, except that time-zones come into play, particularly for those people who are only on-line at one part of the day.
For example, I'm 5 hours ahead of the Eastern US. If I play my move at, say, 8pm my time then I can be reasonably sure my opponent will be fast asleep (1am EST). They won't be awake for about 7 hours, and are probably unlikely to be able to play a move until about 16 hours after my move. I'd then make my move about 8 hours after that. So, for every move, my opponent takes 16 hours while I take 8.
If you're on-line most of the day, or even just morning and evening, its less of an issue.

W.P. Extraordinaire

State of Franklin

13 Aug 03
12 Feb 04
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Originally posted by skeeter
Absolutely. This is a 'turn based play' site with good time controls. If you want 'blitz style' play then shove off to Yahoo or ICC and play there. It's typical of the Coletti's and the Ravello's with their relatively light game load wanting to change the rules / playing conditions that if implemented would seriously affect those players who simply el ...[text shortened]... T/O and and a 30 day timebank.
Listen for the squealing and whinning then !!

the skeeter
Calm yourself skeeter. 😲 Nothing I said would require imposing new rules or conditions on anyone. And I have never complained about slow movers. If you take on a game with a 7-day timeout, your opponent has every right to take the whole 7 days to make his move. There's nothing wrong with that.

All I'm saying this could be another option. And an easy one to put in place. No one has to play games with zero-day timeouts. No one has to play games with a 30-day timeouts.

And taking 60 days to play one game of chess isn't exactly blitz chess! πŸ™„

But I do find the whiners who complain about slow movers tiresome. 😴 And then I thought of a possible solution that could also add a new edge to games.

Me, I'm happy with 10 or 20 games at a time. I've even got a game with a 30-day timeout. I'd like to try a game with a zero-day timeout. I think it would be fun. Don't worry skeeter, I won't make you play me. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€

The RudeΒ©

who knows?

30 Dec 03
13 Feb 04
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Originally posted by skeeter
Absolutely. This is a 'turn based play' site with good time controls. If you want 'blitz style' play then shove off to Yahoo or ICC and play there. It's typical of the Coletti's and the Ravello's with their relatively light game load wanting to change the rules / playing conditions that if implemented would seriously affect those players who simply el ...[text shortened]... T : After reading the 'tourneys' forum you can now lump "flexmore" in with that lot et al.
Skeeter is complaining again if someone is thinking to play a little fast, and criticising because I only play 30 games instead ofher big 200+.Once i complained about her T/B not decreasing during an outage and she's again bothering me because of that!I only asked for some explanations.
Seems to be a permalous girl........................and I never wanted to change rules.
seems like you wrong translate other's people words every time.

Quack Quack Quack !


18 Aug 03
13 Feb 04
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Originally posted by skeeter
Absolutely. This is a 'turn based play' site with good time controls. If you want 'blitz style' play then shove off to Yahoo or ICC and play there. It's typical of the Coletti's and the Ravello's with their relatively light game load ...[text shortened]... ys' forum you can now lump "flexmore" in with that lot et al.
lump me in :-)

..........a very, very long sigh..........

p.s. funny thing, i seem to get these sighs every month :'( but i am a male πŸ˜•

p.p.s. are StarValleyWy and skeeter the same person? you are not supposed to have two accounts πŸ˜‰

515 + 30 days

Syver Yurt TC

08 Mar 03
13 Feb 04
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Originally posted by flexmore
lump me in :-)

..........a very, very long sigh..........

p.s. funny thing, i seem to get these sighs every month :'( but i am a male πŸ˜•

p.p.s. are StarValleyWy and skeeter the same person? you are not supposed to have two accounts πŸ˜‰
Ah well, the subterfuge (sp) couldn't be maintained forever and now that my secret has been discovered I suddenly feel enlightened. Wyoming is simply not big enough for StarVly AND skeeter so StarVlyWy will be "retired"
I suppose after the RHP judiciary deals with me I can look forward to a lengthy stretch in purgatory with Zach. I only hope that the chess boards and pieces are real gold, like they are described in the brochures, and that Zach's playing skills have improved. I bequeath all my hard won RHP points to Phlabibit, a real nice guy and clever with it.
So long cruel Sicilian, English and Dutch. May the force be with you all

VBR's - the skeeter 😡

Quack Quack Quack !


18 Aug 03
14 Feb 04
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.........rattle, rattle .........


in front of you

06 Jan 03
15 Feb 04
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Originally posted by Coletti
Timebanks would be interesting if you had a 0-day timeout with a larger timebank!! 😲
I like the idea very much and so do the admins of the site. Chrismo says at showthread.php?id=8458:

I think this is a great idea - I fully support it and it was a key driver for implementing the timebank feature.
Rest assured that I am hoping to get this going as soon as possible.

We will see what times brings...
another added idea: give us even more advanced timing options: what about a chess watch that addes 1 day per move? This would be cool to have with a 0 days timeout and a 30 days timebank!!

515 + 30 days

Syver Yurt TC

08 Mar 03
15 Feb 04
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Originally posted by flexmore
.........rattle, rattle .........
OK, OK, I relent. Too much noise and I'm trying to sleep 😡

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