Beeing Austrian, German is my native language. I think I can
clarify "Zugzwang" (one year after the last posting :-)
According to an online dictonary there is no direct translation and it
seem to be a technical term for chess (
Literally, it means 'forced to move'. I normally use it if I put my
opponent in chess. Then he is forced to take the King out of chess
somehow. You can use the same term if you threaten a Queen or a
Rook with a covered pawn. Your opponent is under 'Zugzwang' and his
next move is more predictable. Hope that helps.
zugzwang is a fenomenon used throughout the game, but most
obvious in end games. example: put the pieces as follows
white Kd6, pawn c6
black Kd8
whoever is to move is in zugzwang.
If whithe moves e.g. c7, Kd8 then white has either to give up the
pawn or to move Kc6 stalemate
if black is to move, then he has to give up opposition (Kings opposite
with an uneven # of squares inbetween, 1 in this case) , for instance
Kc8, c7! and now the king has to go to b6, white moves Kd7 and
hope this clarifies
Hi all!
The best definition of 'Zugzwang' I found is this...
"German for mpve compulsion. A player is said to be in 'Zugzwang'
when ANY (my capitals, jp) move he/she makes will result in the loss
of a piece or otherwise seriously weaken his.her position, though the
opponent presents no concrete threat.
I think Gilbert's example clarifies this. Jan
All the definitions here amazingly are wrong!--though some are close.
Zugzwang is a situation in which one would be OK if one was not
required to move, but since the rules require you to move on your
turn, you must make a move to the detriment of your position.
In a way, stalemate is a kind of "zugzwang," but the rules of chess
make this kind good if one is losing. But strictly this is not zugzwang.
i think this is the correct definition.
zugzwang (TSOOK-tsvahng) noun
A position where one is forced to make an undesirable move.
[From German Zugzwang, Zug (move) + Zwang (compulsion,
"Now the government finds itself in zugzwang, where every move it
worsens its position against an invisible opponent ...."
Pusch Commey, Is the Rand Racially Prejudiced?, African Business
Mar 2001.