From the RHP games explorer:
Larsen's Opening
Also called the Queen's Fianchetto Opening, it is named after the Danish Grandmaster Bent Larsen. Larsen was inspired by the example of the great Latvian-Danish player and theoretician Aron Nimzowitsch (1886-1935), who often played 1.Nf3 followed by 2.b3, which is sometimes called the Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack.
The opening move 1.b3 prepares to fianchetto the queen's bishop where it will fight for the central squares and point towards Black's kingside. Still, 1.b3 is less popular than 1.g3 (Benko's Opening), which prepares a quick kingside castling. According to ChessBase, 1.b3 ranks sixth in popularity out of the possible twenty first moves while the fifth-ranking 1.g3 is about three times as popular.
Although Bent Larsen was initially very successful with this opening, Larsen's Opening suffered a setback in the 1970 USSR vs. Rest of the World match in Belgrade. There, Larsen lost with this opening against Boris Spassky in just 17 moves, a remarkably quick loss, especially when playing White. Larsen was also decisively defeated when playing this opening against Balinas at Manila 1975.
It is classified under the A01 code in the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings.
This text has been taken from Wikipedia.
Originally posted by RabbitColdAlso check out Radjabov-Yuan 1998... an incredible game by Radjabov when you consider that this was played in the World Under-12 Championship and that Radjabov already carried a rating of 2325!!!
Go to chess base and look up pavel blatny's games.
He plays 1. e3, b3, and f4 lots.
Black was annihilated in 28 moves.
Originally posted by chessisvanityWell, it could be why its hard for us "common folk" to win is because we like to blame everything on our opening. Blatny probally spends more time on tactics and endgames rather than worry about the new 23rd move of the QGD or Open Lopez or whatever.
its the nimzo-larsen attack......dark square control...but black gets a great game so its risky....white has no advantage or even threats in it!
but i love the opening.
Originally posted by Bane Robikcheck some game of weyerstrass, he play 1.b3 a lot.
I know that moving the b-pawn is not considered that good so early on in the game. But I've had very effective results with it over the Board. If any one can input some analysis on this move, I thank you!
I think i only play 2, and not against strong opponent
Game 3583500 Game 3583505
I think i play more, but dont know where. :p
i used it a few times a long time ago, with success against the lower rated players (not that i am otherwise). just a fun one to try out...
Game 2457230
Game 2837055
Game 2832658
Game 2846748
Game 2933427