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1 d4 c4 Nf3 Players Wanted

1 d4 c4 Nf3 Players Wanted

Only Chess

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I'm looking to work on my repertoire against non-e4 openings I'm likely to see in OTB tourneys and would appreciate a few games here. I would like the games to be:

1) Against good players; 1800 or better;
2) Reasonably quick time limits as I have a major OTB tourney coming up in early March. I'd prefer 1/7's; I don't have any interest in timeouting these games but I'd like them to move along esp. in the opening phase. I'd also like a commitment from my opponent that they won't go on vacation for an extended period in the next month;
3) Please don't intend to transpose to e4 lines. If you open with 1 Nf3 and I play 1 ..... c5 and you play 2 e4, I'll trash can the game. I'm content with my results using the Sicilian OTB;
4) Please no Grobs or Polish or a3, etc. etc. etc. I want to practice against lines there's a reasonable chance I'll see;
5) Please no "players" who have started on this site with 50 wins in a row or got checkmated in 15 moves when they first started here but are now 2200 rated. You know what I mean.

I don't care if the games are rated or unrated; if you meet the specs above and want to play, just send me a challenge with you making the first move as White. If a clan or club wants to play an unrated consultation game that would be fine too.

If you're interested but have questions, please PM me. I'm looking forward to the games.

Thanks in advance.

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I'll play you. I've tried challenging you but you only accept challenges from players rated 3000+. I'm doing my best, but I'm not there yet 🙂

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Originally posted by atticus2
I'll play you. I've tried challenging you but you only accept challenges from players rated 3000+. I'm doing my best, but I'm not there yet 🙂
OOPS! I forgot all about that. Will fix.

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Playing in the eastern or western class championships?

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Originally posted by nimzo5
Playing in the eastern or western class championships?
Eastern U1800.

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I'm typically a QG player. Game 7123077
Would be glad to play one with you 🙂

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curious.. what % do you see 1.d4 in tournaments? not that much, or did you switch lines.. ?

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Originally posted by irontigran
curious.. what % do you see 1.d4 in tournaments? not that much, or did you switch lines.. ?
In my OTB tournaments over the last 4 1/2 years, I've played 43 games as Black. My opponents first move choices were as follows:

e4 - 24
d4 - 16
Nf3 - 2
c4 - 1

Against e4 playing a Sicilian my record is 14 W, 2 L, 8 D. Against the others it's 7 W, 7 L, 5 D. So ...........................................

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Impressive record as black against 1.e4!

Do you play 1.e4?

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Originally posted by c3e3d4c6e6d5
Impressive record as black against 1.e4!

Do you play 1.e4?

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Well good luck in your preparation and the tournament.

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