Originally posted by heinzkatd4 beats Nc4 overwhelmingly in 2500+ level games 15 to 2 in popularity.
I have played both (because I forgot the other one), which one is to be preferred? Which one has most potential? Which one fits best in the bigger scheme of life?
And I really really don't know what I'm talking about, but it seems d4 is the more clever one, waiting for d6 to move the knight, which doesn't look very favorable for black.
Yes d4 seems the better founded move, what's the Knight doing so far from home on c4 after only four moves (moving the same piece 3x). But I believe there is some drawback with 4. d4 that I'm unaware of. Oh Fritzie's opening book gives 4. d4 "!?", that's where the confusion in Heinzie's head comes from.