Hi all,
I am a part-time student and friend of GM Hansen and his wife WIM Jen Hansen. They are now living in Orlando Florida, and they teach chess "on the side".
They have a new 1 hour series online, that is based on learning the Chess classics. Here is the link:
They do not know that I am sharing this, but I am sure they will not mind! I attend his one-day workshops regularly, and my OTB performance has improved dramatically since I began- I swear by them for chess improvement.
Full disclosure: I get nothing from this other than the knowledge that I am sharing a good thing, so I hope others will also find this of interest.
PS I also recommend his books. His kindle book on rook endings is the best $5 I have ever spent on chess, and his [i[Foundations of Chess Strategy[/i] is the catalyst that set me on the path of my recent OTB improvement. Individual results will vary, of course (you have to put in the work), but I am unabashedly a big fan.
If anyone has questions, just send them an email (lars@orlandochesshouse.com or jen@orlandochesshouse.com) and I am sure they will be happy to answer!
Originally posted by nimzophyshI think his books appeal to a wide audience. I would set the baseline at someone who knows enough about chess to enjoy a chess federation's magazine or newsletter.
What level player could understand and benefit from reading his books?
His ebooks can be enjoyed by anyone. For his "regular" books, I would start with Foundations of Chess Strategy or Improve Your Chess by learning from the champions.