Let's have another list.More interesting than greatest players,imo.
I tried to keep mine somewhat original instead of listing the usual suspects
1.Morphy,Paul - Potier,William 1858
2.Hamppe,Carl - Meitner,Philipp 1872
3.Reinisch,J - Traxler,Karel 1890
4.Tarrasch,Siegbert - Marco,Georg 1892
5.Lazard,Frederic - Gibaud,Amedee 1909
6.Lasker,Edward - Englund,Fritz 1913
7.Capablanca,José Raul - Fonaroff,Marc 1918
8.Pirc,Vasja - Alekhine,Alexander 1931
9.Milner-Barry,P.S. - Alexander,C.H. 1932
10.Flohr,Salo - Larsen,Bent 1966
Hmmm I can't think of 10 games that stand out in my mind, I haven't really been playing too long...
I really like:
Korchnoi - Udovcic, October Revolution 1967
Larsen - Spassky, USSR vs. the World (Rd. 2) 1970
Byrne - Fischer, US Championship 1963-64
Just games I've come across in various books, blogs, here, etc.
Originally posted by DivGradCurlHad not seen Korchnoi - Udovcic.Great game.Thanks 🙂
Hmmm I can't think of 10 games that stand out in my mind, I haven't really been playing too long...
I really like:
Korchnoi - Udovcic, October Revolution 1967
Larsen - Spassky, USSR vs. the World (Rd. 2) 1970
Byrne - Fischer, US Championship 1963-64
Just games I've come across in various books, blogs, here, etc.
The other two are great too.