Hi Chaps,
Given this some thought so listen up.
From now on eveytime you send a move it will go though the process.
The Process
After 5 moves have been played by either side.
Rybka will analyse position for 5 minutes store top 3 replies
and then send move onto opposing player.
When the reply is sent if it is one of the chosen moves by Rybka,
then system will advise both players that a 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice
has been made.
The sending player is not given the option to change his move.
So along with each game you will see a % score for each player
which will go up or down as the game continues.
Yes of course there will be only moves and alike and if you are
NOT using a box then imagine your joy when you discover you have
made a good move cleanly.
But Also...
Imagine the fear and feeling of guilt a box user will have.?
He will have to stop there and then as he sees move after move
in a critical double edged position being classes as the top move.
again and again and again...and his opponent can see the same!
The box will get switched off.
(This idea may get surpessed because sales of Fritz and Rybka may go down).
Haha, yeah, that will slow down the rate of play a bit.
Say 50 moves are currently submitted per minute. You start analyzing the first move, which takes 5 minutes. By the end of the 5 minutes, 250 moves are waiting which will take another 1250 minutes to process, or almost a full day.
I wonder how many subscribers will be left when you replace their games with a screen that says, "You may submit your next move in 2-3 months..."
A variation of the proposed idea to limit the analysis for games of the Top 100 players. In this case, what hardware resources would be needed?
Another idea is to run periodic offline batches of a limited number of games randomly selected from a pool of games covering a specified period of time. Watch lists can be then be created and updated based on these runs. Game mods would have access to these lists to select cases that deserve detailed investigation.
There are several issues I see with this.
One is the fact that at the top I am quite sure the opening theory extends past 5 moves on each side in most games.
Second is that if one person plays very badly such as hanging pieces, walking into obvious tactical traps, or has to deal with a very long forced variation, the computer will agree with most of his moves. The point I make with this, is that computer agreement with moves alone in one game is not enough, you must look at the moves themselves, and see if they are obvious moves, or something else.
Not every game needs to be watched, but this could be streamlined into if you wish to submit a questionable game, then this could help filter out which ones the game moderators should look at.
Also, how closely does Rybka, Crafty, and Fritz agree on most moves?
Originally posted by greenpawn34In certain tactical blowout games, the matchups for the winner may be quite high throughout the game. This will only encourage the losers to make more false cheating accusations.
After 5 moves have been played by either side.
Rybka will analyse position for 5 minutes store top 3 replies
and then send move onto opposing player.
When the reply is sent if it is one of the chosen moves by Rybka,
then system will advise both players that a 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice
has been made.
Edit: And chipotle has an excellent point in the post above mine. Discussion of games in progress is forbidden, so why should engine evaluation info be divulged to the players?
Not too bad - I cuaght a handful.
Surprised old S.G. popped up - thought he knew me by now.
Joking aside:
If we could come up something that the site could implement
then I'm sure it would go a long way to prevent cheating
and stop the suspicious from being paranoiac.
If the cheats saw the system they were cheating indicate
back to them (by means of a colour code) that the move
they played could alert invesitgation then they would have
to seriously consider what they are doing.
Clean players have nothing to worry about at all.
Of course I know a series of tactical moves will be 'only moves'
and in some endgame situations it is possible for a player
to see 16-20 ahead by simply counting.
But a good player in the MOD team will see this at a glance
and again the clean player will have nothing fear.
The cheat on the other hand will feel uneasy, guilty, unsure...
If we can just plant a seed of doubt in the cheats mind.
The current methods may work at catching a cheat - after they
have won x amount of tournaments. My joke idea which my may
trigger an proper idea, is aimed at prevention.
We are all chess players - chess players are meant to have good imaginations.
Surley there is something that we can come up with between us
that will indicate to a box user that the system knows what they
up to they and they will play clean.