Originally posted by tomtom232good job!
I made it!....but I will go down 🙁
got a couple of nice wins and a couple of wins against people with inflated ratings(or they were just having a bad game) but I am playing two double muzios right now and will probably screw up and lose those 😞
we outta but you down for clan leagues 🙂
Originally posted by cmsMasteryeah...I took a break from this site for about a year to improve my chess and get my life back. I at first blitzed my games got to 1500, then slowed down, then made it to 1700, and now I am starting to move a little too fast and lost a couple of games because of this to fall back 1666.
I'll be back up there soon...I hope...it's a really long process to bring your rating back up.
Originally posted by tomtom232Yeah, 1500s not hard to get to at all. I'm almost back to it without much effort. It gets really hard in comparison when you hit 1600 though.
yeah...I took a break from this site for about a year to improve my chess and get my life back. I at first blitzed my games got to 1500, then slowed down, then made it to 1700, and now I am starting to move a little too fast and lost a couple of games because of this to fall back 1666.
Originally posted by tomtom232BTW:
yeah...I took a break from this site for about a year to improve my chess and get my life back. I at first blitzed my games got to 1500, then slowed down, then made it to 1700, and now I am starting to move a little too fast and lost a couple of games because of this to fall back 1666.
Game 4594435
I play that variation as white against the Grunfeld, next time try 5...Ne4!
Originally posted by cmsMasterdarn...that was what I thought of playing first..and then I got the idea(flawed that it was) that I tried to pull off...unfortunately I was moving so fast that I missed the queen fork.
Game 4594435
I play that variation as white against the Grunfeld, next time try 5...Ne4!
Originally posted by tomtom232DBs and books ARE allowed - and if you're gonna play the Grunfeld I HIGHLY recommend them.
darn...that was what I thought of playing first..and then I got the idea(flawed that it was) that I tried to pull off...unfortunately I was moving so fast that I missed the queen fork.
Originally posted by cmsMasterI have The Grünfeld Defence: REVEALED
DBs and books ARE allowed - and if you're gonna play the Grunfeld I HIGHLY recommend them.
by Michael Khodarkovsky
I haven't read it very thoroughly though...and I try not to use DBs too much and if I do I usually come up with ideas on my own first. I am here to improve my OTB chess
I guess that using DBs could help improve but I tried it before with only a minimal amount of success as I found myself relying more and more on the database.
Originally posted by tomtom232Congrats! Just remember its about fun not about the score though!
I made it!....but I will go down 🙁
got a couple of nice wins and a couple of wins against people with inflated ratings(or they were just having a bad game) but I am playing two double muzios right now and will probably screw up and lose those 😞
Never be afraid to play someone too high or too low, you can learn from either.