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1978-81 CC World Championship Fritz analysis

1978-81 CC World Championship Fritz analysis

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14 Jul 06
30 Jul 09
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10th Correspondence Chess World Championship 1978-1981

I think it’s fair to say that this is possibly the final truly pre-computer era correspondence chess World Championships, so let’s see how close the top 3 finisher’s get to the mythical top 1/2/3 matches of 60%/75% & 85%...

1st Place
Victor Palciauskas
2nd Place
Juan Morgado
3rd Place
Keith Richardson

The games are classed as “out of book” if I cannot find the game position in the 2 million+ game chesslab database prior to the start of these 1978 championships.

Fritz 11 @ 30 seconds per move
4x AMD Phenom 2.30Ghz
Hash Table 512MB

Database used www.chesslab.com

1st Place
Victor Palciauskas:

This game has too few non-database moves for analysis purposes.

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Palciauskas, V."]
[Black "Richardson, K."]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B06"]
[PlyCount "71"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 d6 4. Be3 a6 5. Qd2 b5 6. a4 b4 7. Nd1 a5 8. f3 {
Takes game out of book; 1st} Nf6 {1st} 9. Nf2 {3rd} Nbd7 {3rd} 10. Bb5 {1st}
O-O {1st} 11. Ne2 {1st} c5 {Not in top 3} 12. c3 {2nd} bxc3 {1st} 13. bxc3 {1st
} Ba6 {Not in top 3} 14. O-O {1st} Qc7 {1st} 15. Rab1 {Not in top 3} Rfb8 {1st}
16. c4 {Not in top 3} e6 {Not in top 3} 17. Rfd1 {2nd} Bxb5 {1st} 18. cxb5 {2nd
} c4 {1st} 19. Nc3 {2nd} Nb6 {1st} 20. Nh3 {Not in top 3} Re8 {Not in top 3}
21. Qf2 {2nd} Nfd7 {Not in top 3} 22. Rbc1 {3rd} Rac8 {Not in top 3} 23. Nf4 {
1st} Qb7 {Not in top 3} 24. Rc2 {2nd} d5 {1st} 25. e5 {1st} Nf8 {Not in top 3}
26. Nfe2 {Not in top 3} f5 {Not in top 3} 27. Qh4 {Not in top 3} Qf7 {1st} 28.
g4 {Not in top 3} Nfd7 {1st} 29. g5 {2nd} Bf8 {1st} 30. Qf4 {Not in top 3} Bb4
{Not in top 3} 31. h4 {Not in top 3} Kf8 {Not in top 3} 32. Kf2 {Not in top 3}
Ke7 {Not in top 3} 33. Rh1 {2nd} Kd8 {Not in top 3} 34. Bd2 {1st} Ra8 {
Not in top 3} 35. Ra2 {1st} Rg8 {1st} 36. Raa1 {Not in top 3} 1/2-1/2

White: Palciauskas, V
Top 1 Match: 9/29 (31,0% )
Top 2 Match: 17/29 (58,6% )
Top 3 Match: 19/29 (65,5% )

Black: Richardson, K
Top 1 Match: 13/28 (46,4% )
Top 2 Match: 13/28 (46,4% )
Top 3 Match: 14/28 (50,0% )

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Sanakoev, G."]
[Black "Palciauskas, V."]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C73"]
[PlyCount "124"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O d6 6. Bxc6+ bxc6 7. d4 Nxe4 8.
Re1 f5 9. dxe5 d5 10. Nd4 Bc5 11. c3 Qh4 12. f3 Nf2 13. g3 Qh5 14. Kxf2 Qxh2+
15. Ke3 O-O {Takes game out of book; 3rd} 16. Kd3 {1st} a5 {2nd} 17. Bd2 {2nd}
Qxg3 {1st} 18. Kc2 {2nd} f4 {1st} 19. a4 {Not in top 3} Bb6 {Not in top 3} 20.
Na3 {1st} c5 {1st} 21. Ne2 {1st} Qxf3 {1st} 22. Nxf4 {1st} Bf5+ {1st} 23. Kb3 {
1st} c4+ {2nd} 24. Ka2 {1st} Qxd1 {1st} 25. Raxd1 {1st} c6 {1st} 26. Be3 {1st}
Bxe3 {1st} 27. Rxe3 {1st} Bg4 {1st} 28. Ne2 {1st} Rf2 {1st} 29. Re1 {1st} Rb8 {
2nd} 30. e6 {1st} Kf8 {2nd} 31. e7+ {1st} Ke8 {1st} 32. Nc2 {1st} Kd7 {
Not in top 3} 33. Re5 {Not in top 3} Rxe2 {2nd} 34. R1xe2 {1st} Bxe2 {1st} 35.
Rxe2 {1st} Re8 {1st} 36. Rh2 {1st} h6 {1st} 37. Rg2 {1st} Rxe7 {1st} 38. Nd4 {
1st} g5 {1st} 39. Rh2 {1st} c5 {1st} 40. Nf5 {1st} Rh7 {2nd} 41. Nxh6 {1st} d4
{1st} 42. Kb1 {1st} Kc6 {3rd} 43. Kc2 {3rd} Kd5 {1st} 44. Kd2 {1st} Ke4 {1st}
45. Re2+ {Not in top 3} Kf3 {1st} 46. Re6 {1st} Rb7 {1st} 47. Rf6+ {2nd} Ke4 {
1st} 48. Kc1 {1st} dxc3 {3rd} 49. bxc3 {1st} Kd3 {2nd} 50. Rf3+ {1st} Ke4 {1st}
51. Rh3 {1st} Re7 {2nd} 52. Kd2 {1st} Kf4 {3rd} 53. Rh1 {1st} Rd7+ {1st} 54.
Kc2 {1st} Rd3 {Not in top 3} 55. Rg1 {2nd} Rh3 {1st} 56. Ng4 {2nd} Rh4 {1st}
57. Nf6 {1st} g4 {1st} 58. Kd2 {1st} Rh2+ {1st} 59. Ke1 {1st} Rh4 {1st} 60.
Nd5+ {2nd} Kf3 {1st} 61. Rf1+ {2nd} Ke4 {1st} 62. Nf6+ {2nd} Ke3 {1st} 1/2-1/2

White: Sanakoev, G
Top 1 Match: 35/47 (74,5% )
Top 2 Match: 43/47 (91,5% )
Top 3 Match: 44/47 (93,6% )

Black: Palciauskas, V
Top 1 Match: 33/48 (68,8% )
Top 2 Match: 41/48 (85,4% )
Top 3 Match: 45/48 (93,8% )


14 Jul 06
30 Jul 09
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[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Palciauskas, V."]
[Black "Kauranen, R."]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B33"]
[PlyCount "79"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Nc6 6. Ndb5 d6 7. Bf4 e5 8.
Bg5 a6 9. Na3 b5 10. Bxf6 gxf6 11. Nd5 f5 12. c3 Bg7 13. exf5 Bxf5 14. Nc2 O-O
15. Nce3 Be6 16. g4 Qh4 17. Bg2 e4 18. Bxe4 Rae8 19. O-O {
Takes game out of book; 1st} h5 {1st} 20. Nf5 {1st} Qxg4+ {2nd} 21. Qxg4 {1st}
hxg4 {1st} 22. Nde3 {Not in top 3} Ne7 {1st} 23. Rfd1 {1st} Nxf5 {1st} 24. Bxf5
{2nd} Be5 {3rd} 25. Nxg4 {1st} Bxf5 {1st} 26. Nh6+ {1st} Kh7 {1st} 27. Nxf5 {
1st} Re6 {2nd} 28. Rd3 {1st} Rg8+ {2nd} 29. Kh1 {1st} Rg5 {1st} 30. Rh3+ {1st}
Kg8 {2nd} 31. Rg1 {1st} Rxg1+ {2nd} 32. Kxg1 {Only move} Rg6+ {2nd} 33. Kf1 {
1st} Rg5 {1st} 34. Ne3 {1st} Bg7 {Not in top 3} 35. Rg3 {Not in top 3} Rc5 {2nd
} 36. h4 {3rd} Kh7 {1st} 37. Rg5 {Not in top 3} Bf6 {1st} 38. Rd5 {1st} Bxh4 {
2nd} 39. Rxd6 {1st} a5 {1st} 40. Ke2 {2nd} 1-0

White: Palciauskas, V
Top 1 Match: 15/22 (68,2% )
Top 2 Match: 17/22 (77,3% )
Top 3 Match: 18/22 (81,8% )

Black: Kauranen, R
Top 1 Match: 11/21 (52,4% )
Top 2 Match: 19/21 (90,5% )
Top 3 Match: 20/21 (95,2% )

This game has too few non-database moves for analysis purposes.

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Palciauskas, V."]
[Black "Boey, J."]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C63"]
[PlyCount "99"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 f5 4. Nc3 fxe4 5. Nxe4 d5 6. Ng3 Bg4 7. h3 Bxf3 8.
Qxf3 Qd6 9. O-O O-O-O 10. c3 g6 {Takes game out of book; Not in top 3} 11. d4 {
1st} e4 {1st} 12. Qg4+ {1st} Qd7 {1st} 13. Qxd7+ {Not in top 3} Rxd7 {1st} 14.
f3 {3rd} Bd6 {1st} 15. Ne2 {2nd} exf3 {Not in top 3} 16. Rxf3 {1st} Nge7 {1st}
17. Bg5 {Not in top 3} a6 {Not in top 3} 18. Bd3 {1st} Nd8 {2nd} 19. Nf4 {2nd}
Bxf4 {3rd} 20. Bxf4 {1st} Rf8 {2nd} 21. Raf1 {2nd} Ng8 {Not in top 3} 22. Be2 {
1st} Ne6 {2nd} 23. Bc1 {Not in top 3} Rxf3 {1st} 24. Bxf3 {2nd} Nf6 {1st} 25.
Re1 {1st} Rd6 {1st} 26. h4 {Not in top 3} Kd7 {1st} 27. Bg5 {Not in top 3} Nxg5
{1st} 28. hxg5 {1st} Ng8 {3rd} 29. Kf2 {2nd} Kd8 {1st} 30. Bg4 {1st} h5 {1st}
31. Be6 {1st} Ne7 {1st} 32. g4 {1st} hxg4 {1st} 33. Bxg4 {1st} Ke8 {3rd} 34.
Re6 {1st} Kf7 {Not in top 3} 35. Rxd6 {1st} cxd6 {1st} 36. Ke3 {Not in top 3}
a5 {Not in top 3} 37. Kd3 {Not in top 3} Nc6 {1st} 38. Kc2 {1st} a4 {1st} 39.
b3 {Not in top 3} axb3+ {1st} 40. Kxb3 {1st} Ke8 {1st} 41. Be6 {Not in top 3}
Ne7 {1st} 42. Kb4 {2nd} Kd8 {1st} 43. Kb5 {3rd} Kc7 {1st} 44. a4 {Not in top 3}
Kb8 {3rd} 45. Kb6 {1st} Nc8+ {1st} 46. Bxc8 {1st} Kxc8 {1st} 47. a5 {1st} Kb8 {
1st} 48. a6 {1st} bxa6 {1st} 49. Kxa6 {1st} Kc7 {1st} 50. Ka7 {1st} 1-0

White: Palciauskas, V
Top 1 Match: 22/40 (55,0% )
Top 2 Match: 28/40 (70,0% )
Top 3 Match: 30/40 (75,0% )

Black: Boey, J
Top 1 Match: 27/40 (67,5% )
Top 2 Match: 30/40 (75,0% )
Top 3 Match: 34/40 (85,0% )

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Palciauskas, V."]
[Black "Muhana, J."]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B45"]
[PlyCount "93"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nc6 5. Nc3 Nf6 6. Ndb5 Bb4 7. a3 Bxc3+ 8.
Nxc3 O-O 9. Bd3 d5 10. exd5 Nxd5 {Takes game out of book; 2nd} 11. Nxd5 {1st}
Qxd5 {1st} 12. O-O {1st} b6 {Not in top 3} 13. f4 {Not in top 3} Bb7 {2nd} 14.
Rf2 {Not in top 3} Ba6 {1st} 15. Be2 {2nd} Bxe2 {1st} 16. Qxd5 {1st} exd5 {1st}
17. Rxe2 {1st} Rfe8 {1st} 18. Rd2 {1st} Re1+ {1st} 19. Kf2 {Only move} Rae8 {
1st} 20. b4 {1st} R8e4 {Not in top 3} 21. Rxd5 {1st} R4e2+ {1st} 22. Kf3 {1st}
f5 {2nd} 23. Rd1 {2nd} Kf7 {Not in top 3} 24. b5 {1st} g5 {1st} 25. Rd7+ {1st}
Ne7 {1st} 26. fxg5 {1st} Rxc2 {2nd} 27. Bb2 {1st} Ree2 {Not in top 3} 28. Bd4 {
1st} Ke6 {1st} 29. Rd8 {2nd} Rcd2 {Not in top 3} 30. Rd1 {2nd} Rxg2 {1st} 31.
Bxb6 {1st} Rxd1 {1st} 32. Rxd1 {1st} Rxh2 {2nd} 33. Re1+ {1st} Kd6 {1st} 34.
Bc7+ {1st} Kxc7 {1st} 35. Rxe7+ {1st} Kb6 {1st} 36. a4 {1st} a5 {Not in top 3}
37. Re6+ {1st} Kb7 {3rd} 38. Rh6 {1st} Ra2 {1st} 39. Rxh7+ {1st} Kb6 {1st} 40.
Rh6+ {1st} Kc7 {2nd} 41. g6 {1st} Rxa4 {1st} 42. Rh2 {1st} Ra3+ {2nd} 43. Kf4 {
1st} Ra1 {1st} 44. Rg2 {1st} Rf1+ {1st} 45. Kg5 {1st} Rd1 {2nd} 46. g7 {1st}
Rd8 {1st} 47. Kxf5 {1st} 1-0

White: Palciauskas, V
Top 1 Match: 30/37 (81,1% )
Top 2 Match: 34/37 (91,9% )
Top 3 Match: 34/37 (91,9% )

Black: Muhana, J
Top 1 Match: 22/37 (59,5% )
Top 2 Match: 30/37 (81,1% )
Top 3 Match: 31/37 (83,8% )


14 Jul 06
30 Jul 09
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[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Palciauskas, V."]
[Black "Govbinder, M."]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B51"]
[PlyCount "71"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Nc6 4. O-O Nf6 5. Re1 Bd7 6. c3 a6 7. Ba4 e5 8. h3
Be7 9. d4 b5 10. Bc2 O-O 11. d5 Na5 12. b3 Nb7 {
Takes game out of book; Not in top 3} 13. c4 {Not in top 3} Qc7 {3rd} 14. Nbd2
{Not in top 3} Na5 {1st} 15. Bd3 {3rd} g6 {1st} 16. Nf1 {1st} Kg7 {Not in top 3
} 17. Ng3 {Not in top 3} Ng8 {Not in top 3} 18. Nh2 {Not in top 3} Bh4 {1st}
19. Nf3 {Not in top 3} Bf6 {2nd} 20. Bd2 {2nd} Rab8 {Not in top 3} 21. Qc2 {2nd
} Rfc8 {2nd} 22. h4 {Not in top 3} h5 {2nd} 23. Ng5 {1st} Nh6 {Not in top 3}
24. Be2 {Not in top 3} Ng4 {Not in top 3} 25. Rf1 {Not in top 3} Nb7 {
Not in top 3} 26. f3 {1st} Nh6 {1st} 27. f4 {Not in top 3} exf4 {1st} 28. Nxh5+
{Not in top 3} gxh5 {1st} 29. e5 {1st} Bxg5 {1st} 30. hxg5 {1st} Ng4 {3rd} 31.
e6 {1st} fxe6 {2nd} 32. dxe6 {2nd} Ne5 {3rd} 33. exd7 {1st} Qxd7 {1st} 34. Bxf4
{1st} Qe8 {Not in top 3} 35. Qf5 {1st} Rc7 {1st} 36. Bxh5 {1st} 1-0

White: Palciauskas, V
Top 1 Match: 10/24 (41,7% )
Top 2 Match: 13/24 (54,2% )
Top 3 Match: 14/24 (58,3% )

Black: Govbinder, M
Top 1 Match: 9/24 (37,5% )
Top 2 Match: 13/24 (54,2% )
Top 3 Match: 16/24 (66,7% )
[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Kletsel, M."]
[Black "Palciauskas, V."]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "E15"]
[PlyCount "85"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. g3 Ba6 5. b3 Bb4+ 6. Bd2 Be7 7. Nc3 c6 8. e4 d5
9. Qc2 {Takes game out of book; 2nd} dxe4 {1st} 10. Nxe4 {1st} c5 {Not in top 3
} 11. Bc3 {2nd} Bb7 {1st} 12. Bd3 {1st} Nc6 {1st} 13. dxc5 {1st} bxc5 {1st} 14.
O-O-O {3rd} Qc7 {3rd} 15. Nxf6+ {Not in top 3} Bxf6 {1st} 16. Be4 {2nd} Nb4 {
1st} 17. Bxb4 {1st} cxb4 {1st} 18. Rhe1 {1st} Bxe4 {2nd} 19. Qxe4 {1st} O-O {
1st} 20. Ne5 {1st} Rad8 {2nd} 21. f4 {1st} g6 {2nd} 22. Rxd8 {Not in top 3}
Rxd8 {1st} 23. Rd1 {3rd} Rxd1+ {1st} 24. Kxd1 {1st} Qc5 {2nd} 25. Qe2 {3rd}
Qd4+ {1st} 26. Ke1 {1st} Qg1+ {1st} 27. Kd2 {1st} Qa1 {Not in top 3} 28. Kd3 {
1st} Qc3+ {1st} 29. Ke4 {Only move} Bg7 {Not in top 3} 30. Nd3 {1st} a5 {2nd}
31. Kf3 {1st} a4 {2nd} 32. Qd1 {1st} axb3 {Not in top 3} 33. axb3 {1st} h6 {3rd
} 34. Ke2 {Not in top 3} Bd4 {1st} 35. Qb1 {3rd} Kg7 {Not in top 3} 36. Qd1 {
1st} f6 {Not in top 3} 37. Kf1 {3rd} e5 {1st} 38. fxe5 {1st} fxe5 {1st} 39. Kg2
{1st} h5 {1st} 40. h4 {2nd} Bb6 {3rd} 41. Qe2 {1st} Bd4 {1st} 42. Qd1 {1st} Bb6
{3rd} 43. Qe2 {1st} 1/2-1/2

White: Kletsel, M
Top 1 Match: 22/35 (62,9% )
Top 2 Match: 26/35 (74,3% )
Top 3 Match: 31/35 (88,6% )

Black: Palciauskas, V
Top 1 Match: 19/34 (55,9% )
Top 2 Match: 25/34 (73,5% )
Top 3 Match: 29/34 (85,3% )

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Seeliger, W."]
[Black "Palciauskas, V."]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C45"]
[PlyCount "91"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nxc6 bxc6 6. e5 Qe7 7. Qe2 Nd5 8.
c4 Nb6 9. Nd2 Qe6 10. b3 Be7 11. Bb2 O-O 12. O-O-O d5 13. exd6 cxd6 {
Takes game out of book; 1st} 14. Qf3 {1st} d5 {2nd} 15. cxd5 {3rd} cxd5 {2nd}
16. Bd3 {1st} Qh6 {1st} 17. Rhe1 {3rd} Bd6 {3rd} 18. g4 {Not in top 3} Be6 {2nd
} 19. h4 {3rd} Qf4 {1st} 20. Rg1 {2nd} a5 {Not in top 3} 21. Kb1 {1st} a4 {1st}
22. Qxf4 {1st} Bxf4 {1st} 23. Nf3 {1st} Rab8 {Not in top 3} 24. Nd4 {
Not in top 3} Nc4 {1st} 25. Bxc4 {2nd} dxc4 {1st} 26. Nxe6 {2nd} fxe6 {1st} 27.
Rd4 {2nd} axb3 {2nd} 28. Rxc4 {1st} bxa2+ {2nd} 29. Kxa2 {1st} Bd6 {1st} 30.
Rg2 {1st} Rb5 {1st} 31. Ra4 {1st} Rd5 {2nd} 32. Bd4 {1st} Rb8 {Not in top 3}
33. Rg1 {2nd} Be5 {1st} 34. Bxe5 {1st} Rxe5 {1st} 35. f3 {Not in top 3} Re2+ {
1st} 36. Ka1 {1st} Re3 {2nd} 37. f4 {1st} Reb3 {2nd} 38. Rc1 {Not in top 3}
R3b4 {Not in top 3} 39. Rc8+ {1st} Rxc8 {1st} 40. Rxb4 {1st} Rc1+ {3rd} 41. Kb2
{1st} Rh1 {1st} 42. Rb8+ {1st} Kf7 {Only move} 43. Rb7+ {1st} Kf6 {2nd} 44. h5
{1st} h6 {1st} 45. g5+ {1st} hxg5 {2nd} 46. fxg5+ {1st} 1/2-1/2

White: Seeliger, W
Top 1 Match: 21/33 (63,6% )
Top 2 Match: 26/33 (78,8% )
Top 3 Match: 29/33 (87,9% )

Black: Palciauskas, V
Top 1 Match: 16/33 (48,5% )
Top 2 Match: 26/33 (78,8% )
Top 3 Match: 28/33 (84,8% )

This game has too few non-database moves for analysis purposes.

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Svenningsson, J."]
[Black "Palciauskas, V."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C73"]
[PlyCount "112"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O d6 6. Bxc6+ bxc6 7. d4 Nxe4 8.
Re1 f5 9. dxe5 d5 10. Nd4 Bc5 11. c3 Qh4 12. f3 Nf2 13. g3 Qh5 14. Qe2 {
Takes game out of book; 3rd} Nh3+ {1st} 15. Kg2 {2nd} f4 {2nd} 16. e6 {1st} O-O
{3rd} 17. Qe5 {1st} Ng5 {2nd} 18. h4 {1st} Bxd4 {1st} 19. Qxg5 {1st} Qxg5 {1st}
20. hxg5 {1st} Bb6 {1st} 21. Bxf4 {2nd} Re8 {1st} 22. e7 {1st} Kf7 {1st} 23.
Nd2 {1st} Be6 {3rd} 24. Re5 {Not in top 3} Rxe7 {1st} 25. Nb3 {Not in top 3}
Rae8 {1st} 26. Rae1 {Not in top 3} c5 {2nd} 27. g4 {1st} Bd7 {2nd} 28. Kg3 {2nd
} a5 {3rd} 29. Nd2 {1st} c4 {Not in top 3} 30. Rxe7+ {1st} Rxe7 {1st} 31. Be5 {
1st} Ba4 {Not in top 3} 32. f4 {1st} c5 {Not in top 3} 33. Kf2 {Not in top 3}
Bc2 {2nd} 34. Nf3 {3rd} Re8 {Not in top 3} 35. f5 {1st} a4 {2nd} 36. a3 {3rd}
Kg8 {2nd} 37. f6 {Not in top 3} Be4 {1st} 38. Bf4 {2nd} Bd8 {1st} 39. Bd6 {3rd}
gxf6 {1st} 40. gxf6 {1st} Bxf6 {1st} 41. Bxc5 {1st} Rb8 {1st} 42. Bb4 {1st} Rb7
{Not in top 3} 43. g5 {2nd} Bd8 {1st} 44. Nd2 {3rd} Rf7+ {1st} 45. Kg3 {1st}
Bc7+ {1st} 46. Kh3 {3rd} Bf5+ {1st} 47. Kh4 {2nd} Bg6 {Not in top 3} 48. Re8+ {
3rd} Kg7 {1st} 49. Re7 {Not in top 3} Rxe7 {2nd} 50. Bxe7 {1st} Kf7 {3rd} 51.
Bc5 {2nd} Ke6 {3rd} 52. Nf3 {3rd} Bf4 {1st} 53. Nd4+ {1st} Ke5 {1st} 54. Be7 {
Not in top 3} Bc1 {1st} 55. Bf6+ {Not in top 3} Ke4 {1st} 56. Ne6 {1st} Kf3 {
1st} 0-1

White: Svenningsson, J
Top 1 Match: 20/43 (46,5% )
Top 2 Match: 27/43 (62,8% )
Top 3 Match: 35/43 (81,4% )

Black: Palciauskas, V
Top 1 Match: 24/43 (55,8% )
Top 2 Match: 32/43 (74,4% )
Top 3 Match: 37/43 (86,0% )


14 Jul 06
30 Jul 09
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[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Sorensen, H."]
[Black "Palciauskas, V."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C56"]
[PlyCount "76"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. d4 exd4 5. O-O Nxe4 6. Re1 d5 7. Bxd5 Qxd5 8.
Nc3 Qa5 9. Nxe4 Be6 10. Bd2 Bb4 11. Nxd4 Nxd4 12. c3 Be7 13. cxd4 Qd5 14. Rc1
c6 15. Bg5 Bxg5 16. Rc5 Qxa2 17. Rxg5 O-O-O 18. Qd2 {
Takes game out of book; 1st} Rd5 {3rd} 19. Qb4 {Not in top 3} Rxg5 {1st} 20.
Nxg5 {1st} Qc4 {1st} 21. Qa5 {Not in top 3} Qxd4 {1st} 22. Nxe6 {1st} fxe6 {1st
} 23. Rxe6 {1st} Qxb2 {Not in top 3} 24. Re7 {Not in top 3} Qb1+ {1st} 25. Re1
{1st} Qb6 {1st} 26. Qf5+ {2nd} Kb8 {1st} 27. Re7 {Not in top 3} Qd4 {1st} 28.
g3 {1st} g6 {1st} 29. Qf7 {Not in top 3} Qd1+ {1st} 30. Kg2 {1st} Qd5+ {1st}
31. Qxd5 {1st} cxd5 {1st} 32. Rd7 {3rd} Kc8 {1st} 33. Rxd5 {1st} Kc7 {3rd} 34.
Kf3 {Not in top 3} Re8 {Not in top 3} 35. h4 {3rd} Kc6 {Not in top 3} 36. Ra5 {
1st} Kb6 {1st} 37. Rd5 {Not in top 3} a5 {1st} 38. h5 {Not in top 3} a4 {1st}

White: Sorensen, H
Top 1 Match: 10/21 (47,6% )
Top 2 Match: 11/21 (52,4% )
Top 3 Match: 13/21 (61,9% )

Black: Palciauskas, V
Top 1 Match: 16/21 (76,2% )
Top 2 Match: 16/21 (76,2% )
Top 3 Match: 18/21 (85,7% )

This game has too few non-database moves for analysis purposes.

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Kalish, J."]
[Black "Palciauskas, V."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C68"]
[PlyCount "64"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Bxc6 dxc6 5. O-O Qd6 6. d3 Ne7 7. Be3 c5 8.
Nbd2 Nc6 9. Nc4 Qf6 {Takes game out of book; 1st} 10. Qd2 {Not in top 3} h6 {
1st} 11. Ne1 {Not in top 3} g5 {2nd} 12. f3 {Not in top 3} Be6 {1st} 13. Qf2 {
2nd} b6 {Not in top 3} 14. b3 {Not in top 3} Qg6 {Not in top 3} 15. Kh1 {
Not in top 3} Bg7 {2nd} 16. a4 {1st} a5 {1st} 17. g3 {Not in top 3} f5 {
Not in top 3} 18. Ng2 {2nd} f4 {1st} 19. Bd2 {1st} O-O {Not in top 3} 20. Bc3 {
2nd} Rf7 {Not in top 3} 21. gxf4 {2nd} exf4 {1st} 22. Qe1 {2nd} Raf8 {2nd} 23.
Bxg7 {1st} Rxg7 {1st} 24. c3 {Not in top 3} Rd8 {1st} 25. Qe2 {1st} Qf6 {1st}
26. Qc2 {2nd} Bxc4 {1st} 27. dxc4 {1st} Ne5 {1st} 28. Rad1 {Not in top 3} Rxd1
{1st} 29. Rxd1 {1st} Nxf3 {1st} 30. e5 {Not in top 3} Nxe5 {1st} 31. Qe4 {1st}
Re7 {2nd} 32. Rd8+ {Not in top 3} Kg7 {1st} 0-1

White: Kalish, J
Top 1 Match: 7/23 (30,4% )
Top 2 Match: 13/23 (56,5% )
Top 3 Match: 13/23 (56,5% )

Black: Palciauskas, V
Top 1 Match: 15/24 (62,5% )
Top 2 Match: 19/24 (79,2% )
Top 3 Match: 19/24 (79,2% )

2nd Place
Juan Morgado

This game has too few non-database moves for analysis purposes.

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Morgado, J."]
[Black "Sanakoev, G."]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B99"]
[PlyCount "86"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4 Be7 8. Qf3
Qc7 9. O-O-O Nbd7 10. Be2 b5 11. Bxf6 Nxf6 12. e5 Bb7 13. Qg3 dxe5 14. fxe5 Nd7
15. Bf3 Bxf3 16. gxf3 g6 17. f4 Qb7 18. Rhe1 {Takes game out of book; 2nd}
O-O-O {Not in top 3} 19. Ne4 {Not in top 3} Kb8 {2nd} 20. Nb3 {Not in top 3}
Nb6 {1st} 21. Nd6 {3rd} Bxd6 {1st} 22. Rxd6 {1st} Rxd6 {1st} 23. exd6 {1st} Nd5
{Not in top 3} 24. f5 {2nd} gxf5 {1st} 25. Nc5 {1st} Qc6 {1st} 26. d7+ {1st}
Ka7 {3rd} 27. Qh4 {Not in top 3} Qb6 {2nd} 28. b4 {2nd} f4 {Not in top 3} 29.
Qh5 {3rd} Rd8 {1st} 30. a3 {1st} a5 {1st} 31. c3 {Not in top 3} Nxc3 {1st} 32.
Qxf7 {1st} axb4 {1st} 33. axb4 {1st} Qd6 {2nd} 34. Qxe6 {1st} Qxe6 {1st} 35.
Rxe6 {1st} f3 {1st} 36. Kd2 {1st} f2 {1st} 37. Ra6+ {1st} Kb8 {Only move} 38.
Rf6 {1st} Na4 {1st} 39. Rxf2 {1st} Nxc5 {1st} 40. bxc5 {1st} Rxd7+ {1st} 41.
Kc3 {1st} Kc7 {2nd} 42. Kb4 {1st} Rd3 {Not in top 3} 43. Rf7+ {1st} Rd7 {2nd}

White: Morgado, J
Top 1 Match: 17/26 (65,4% )
Top 2 Match: 20/26 (76,9% )
Top 3 Match: 22/26 (84,6% )

Black: Sanakoev, G
Top 1 Match: 15/26 (57,7% )
Top 2 Match: 20/26 (76,9% )
Top 3 Match: 21/26 (80,8% )

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Kauranen, R."]
[Black "Morgado, J."]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C42"]
[PlyCount "73"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 d6 4. Nf3 Nxe4 5. d4 Be7 6. Bd3 d5 7. O-O Nc6 8.
Re1 Bg4 9. c4 Nf6 10. cxd5 Nxd5 11. Nc3 O-O 12. Be4 Be6 13. Qc2 h6 14. Bf5 Ncb4
15. Qb1 Bxf5 16. Qxf5 Nf6 {Takes game out of book; 3rd} 17. Bf4 {Not in top 3}
Bd6 {2nd} 18. Be5 {3rd} Qd7 {Not in top 3} 19. Qxd7 {1st} Nxd7 {1st} 20. Bxd6 {
2nd} cxd6 {1st} 21. Re7 {1st} Rad8 {2nd} 22. Rae1 {1st} Nc6 {2nd} 23. R7e2 {1st
} Nf6 {1st} 24. d5 {1st} Nb8 {3rd} 25. Nd4 {2nd} Rfe8 {Not in top 3} 26. Rxe8+
{1st} Nxe8 {1st} 27. Nf5 {2nd} Kf8 {2nd} 28. f3 {Not in top 3} h5 {Not in top 3
} 29. Re4 {Not in top 3} g6 {1st} 30. Ne3 {1st} Nd7 {1st} 31. Kf2 {2nd} a6 {2nd
} 32. a4 {Not in top 3} b5 {Not in top 3} 33. axb5 {1st} axb5 {1st} 34. Nc2 {
1st} Nc5 {1st} 35. Rd4 {1st} Nc7 {2nd} 36. Nb4 {1st} Ra8 {1st} 37. Rd1 {
Not in top 3} 1/2-1/2

White: Kauranen, R
Top 1 Match: 11/21 (52,4% )
Top 2 Match: 15/21 (71,4% )
Top 3 Match: 16/21 (76,2% )

Black: Morgado, J
Top 1 Match: 9/21 (42,9% )
Top 2 Match: 15/21 (71,4% )
Top 3 Match: 17/21 (81,0% )


14 Jul 06
30 Jul 09
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[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Maeder, K."]
[Black "Morgado, J."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C43"]
[PlyCount "86"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. d4 Nxe4 4. Bd3 d5 5. Nxe5 Bd6 6. O-O O-O 7. Nd2 Bxe5 8.
dxe5 Nc5 9. Nb3 Nxd3 10. Qxd3 Nc6 11. f4 f6 12. exf6 Qxf6 13. Qxd5+ Be6 14. Qc5
Rad8 15. Bd2 Qxb2 16. Bc3 Qxc2 17. Bxg7 Qxc5+ 18. Nxc5 Rfe8 19. Nxe6 {
Takes game out of book; Not in top 3} Rxe6 {1st} 20. f5 {3rd} Re4 {2nd} 21. Bh6
{Not in top 3} Nd4 {1st} 22. Kh1 {Not in top 3} c5 {1st} 23. g4 {1st} Rxg4 {2nd
} 24. Rae1 {Not in top 3} Kf7 {1st} 25. Re5 {1st} b6 {2nd} 26. f6 {1st} Rd7 {
1st} 27. Be3 {2nd} Ne6 {1st} 28. Rh5 {2nd} Nf8 {1st} 29. a4 {Not in top 3} Rxa4
{1st} 30. Rg1 {Not in top 3} Re4 {2nd} 31. Bh6 {1st} Ng6 {Not in top 3} 32. Bg5
{1st} Ke6 {1st} 33. Rh3 {2nd} Ne5 {2nd} 34. Bh4 {Not in top 3} Ng4 {
Not in top 3} 35. Rf1 {1st} Rf7 {2nd} 36. Bg5 {1st} Re5 {1st} 37. Bh4 {1st} Re2
{Not in top 3} 38. Rf4 {1st} h5 {1st} 39. Kg1 {2nd} Rd7 {2nd} 40. Rf1 {1st} Ne3
{3rd} 41. Rc1 {Not in top 3} c4 {2nd} 42. Kh1 {Not in top 3} Ng4 {3rd} 43. Rf1
{Not in top 3} c3 {1st} 0-1

White: Maeder, K
Top 1 Match: 10/25 (40,0% )
Top 2 Match: 14/25 (56,0% )
Top 3 Match: 15/25 (60,0% )

Black: Morgado, J
Top 1 Match: 12/25 (48,0% )
Top 2 Match: 20/25 (80,0% )
Top 3 Match: 22/25 (88,0% )

This game has too few non-database moves for analysis purposes.

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Muhana, J."]
[Black "Morgado, J."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A02"]
[PlyCount "58"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. f4 Nf6 2. e3 g6 3. b3 c5 4. Bb2 Bg7 5. g4 {
Takes game out of book; Not in top 3} Nc6 {3rd} 6. Bg2 {2nd} d5 {2nd} 7. g5 {
1st} Nh5 {1st} 8. Nc3 {3rd} Bf5 {1st} 9. Rc1 {Not in top 3} d4 {1st} 10. Na4 {
1st} O-O {2nd} 11. Ne2 {3rd} e5 {2nd} 12. Ng3 {1st} exf4 {3rd} 13. Nxf5 {1st}
Qxg5 {1st} 14. Bxc6 {1st} gxf5 {2nd} 15. Bxb7 {1st} Rae8 {2nd} 16. Qf3 {2nd}
fxe3 {1st} 17. Kf1 {2nd} exd2 {1st} 18. Rd1 {1st} Re3 {1st} 19. Qf2 {1st} Rfe8
{2nd} 20. Qxd2 {1st} R8e4 {1st} 21. Bxe4 {1st} fxe4 {1st} 22. Qf2 {1st} Qg4 {
1st} 23. Rd2 {1st} Rf3 {1st} 24. Rg1 {1st} Qh3+ {2nd} 25. Ke1 {1st} Rxf2 {1st}
26. Rxf2 {1st} e3 {2nd} 27. Rfg2 {1st} Kf8 {2nd} 28. Re2 {3rd} Nf4 {1st} 29.
Rg3 {1st} Qh4 {1st} 0-1

White: Muhana, J
Top 1 Match: 17/25 (68,0% )
Top 2 Match: 20/25 (80,0% )
Top 3 Match: 23/25 (92,0% )

Black: Morgado, J
Top 1 Match: 14/25 (56,0% )
Top 2 Match: 23/25 (92,0% )
Top 3 Match: 25/25 (100,0% )

This game has too few non-database moves for analysis purposes.

This game has too few non-database moves for analysis purposes.

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Morgado, J."]
[Black "Seeliger, W."]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C01"]
[PlyCount "88"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. exd5 exd5 5. Bd3 Nc6 6. Nf3 Bg4 7. Be3 Bb4 8.
Qd2 {Takes game out of book; Not in top 3} Ne4 {1st} 9. Bxe4 {1st} dxe4 {1st}
10. Ng5 {1st} Bxc3 {2nd} 11. Qxc3 {2nd} Qd5 {1st} 12. Qb3 {2nd} Qxb3 {1st} 13.
axb3 {1st} O-O {2nd} 14. Nxe4 {1st} Rfe8 {1st} 15. f3 {1st} Bf5 {1st} 16. Kd2 {
2nd} Bxe4 {1st} 17. fxe4 {1st} Rxe4 {1st} 18. c3 {1st} f5 {3rd} 19. Rhe1 {1st}
a6 {Not in top 3} 20. d5 {2nd} Rd8 {2nd} 21. c4 {1st} Rd7 {Not in top 3} 22.
Kc3 {1st} Ne7 {Not in top 3} 23. Bg5 {1st} Rxe1 {1st} 24. Rxe1 {1st} Kf7 {1st}
25. Re5 {2nd} g6 {1st} 26. h4 {Not in top 3} Ng8 {1st} 27. h5 {Not in top 3}
Nf6 {1st} 28. Bxf6 {2nd} Kxf6 {1st} 29. Re6+ {1st} Kf7 {2nd} 30. Kd4 {1st} a5 {
1st} 31. Ke5 {Not in top 3} b6 {2nd} 32. hxg6+ {2nd} hxg6 {1st} 33. Rf6+ {2nd}
Kg7 {1st} 34. Rc6 {1st} Re7+ {1st} 35. Kf4 {1st} Kh6 {1st} 36. Re6 {1st} Rd7 {
1st} 37. Re3 {3rd} Rf7 {2nd} 38. Rh3+ {Not in top 3} Kg7 {Only move} 39. Kg5 {
1st} Rd7 {1st} 40. Rh6 {Not in top 3} Rd6 {1st} 41. g3 {3rd} c6 {1st} 42. Rh4 {
1st} cxd5 {1st} 43. Rd4 {1st} Kf7 {1st} 44. Rxd5 {2nd} Re6 {1st} 1/2-1/2

White: Morgado, J
Top 1 Match: 20/37 (54,1% )
Top 2 Match: 29/37 (78,4% )
Top 3 Match: 31/37 (83,8% )

Black: Seeliger, W
Top 1 Match: 26/37 (70,3% )
Top 2 Match: 32/37 (86,5% )
Top 3 Match: 33/37 (89,2% )

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Morgado, J."]
[Black "Estrin, Y."]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "D00"]
[PlyCount "66"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. Bf4 Bg7 4. Nc3 Nh5 5. Be5 {Takes game out of book; 2nd}
f6 {1st} 6. g4 {2nd} fxe5 {1st} 7. gxh5 {1st} exd4 {1st} 8. Nxd4 {1st} d5 {3rd}
9. Rg1 {Not in top 3} e5 {2nd} 10. hxg6 {Not in top 3} exd4 {1st} 11. gxh7 {1st
} Kf8 {1st} 12. Rxg7 {1st} Kxg7 {1st} 13. Qxd4+ {1st} Kxh7 {1st} 14. Qd3+ {1st}
Kh6 {1st} 15. Bh3 {3rd} Nc6 {3rd} 16. Bxc8 {1st} Rxc8 {1st} 17. Nxd5 {1st} Qg5
{2nd} 18. Qh3+ {1st} Kg7 {1st} 19. Qd7+ {1st} Ne7 {1st} 20. Qxe7+ {1st} Qxe7 {
1st} 21. Nxe7 {1st} Rcf8 {1st} 22. Rd1 {Not in top 3} Rxh2 {1st} 23. Rd7 {1st}
Rfxf2 {1st} 24. Nd5+ {1st} Kf8 {3rd} 25. Nc3 {2nd} Rf7 {2nd} 26. Rd8+ {1st} Kg7
{1st} 27. Kd2 {1st} Re7 {Not in top 3} 28. b3 {Not in top 3} b5 {Not in top 3}
29. a3 {2nd} a5 {1st} 30. b4 {3rd} axb4 {1st} 31. axb4 {1st} c5 {1st} 32. Rc8 {
Not in top 3} cxb4 {1st} 33. Nxb5 {1st} Rexe2+ {1st} 1/2-1/2

White: Morgado, J
Top 1 Match: 18/29 (62,1% )
Top 2 Match: 21/29 (72,4% )
Top 3 Match: 23/29 (79,3% )

Black: Estrin, Y
Top 1 Match: 21/29 (72,4% )
Top 2 Match: 25/29 (86,2% )
Top 3 Match: 27/29 (93,1% )


14 Jul 06
30 Jul 09
Vote Up
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[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Morgado, J."]
[Black "Svenningsson, J."]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B03"]
[PlyCount "95"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. f4 Bf5 6. Nc3 dxe5 7. fxe5 e6 8. Nf3
Be7 9. Be3 O-O 10. Bd3 Bg4 11. O-O Nc6 12. h3 Bxf3 13. Qxf3 Bg5 {
Takes game out of book; 3rd} 14. Rad1 {2nd} f6 {Not in top 3} 15. Bxg5 {2nd}
fxg5 {1st} 16. Qe3 {1st} Rxf1+ {1st} 17. Bxf1 {1st} Qe7 {1st} 18. Ne4 {
Not in top 3} h6 {1st} 19. Nc5 {3rd} Nd7 {1st} 20. Nxd7 {1st} Qxd7 {1st} 21. d5
{1st} Re8 {2nd} 22. d6 {1st} Qf7 {Not in top 3} 23. Bd3 {2nd} Qf4 {1st} 24. Qe4
{1st} Qxe4 {1st} 25. Bxe4 {1st} cxd6 {2nd} 26. Bxc6 {2nd} bxc6 {1st} 27. Rxd6 {
1st} Rb8 {3rd} 28. b3 {1st} a5 {Not in top 3} 29. Rxe6 {1st} a4 {1st} 30. bxa4
{1st} Ra8 {3rd} 31. Rxc6 {1st} Rxa4 {1st} 32. e6 {2nd} Kf8 {1st} 33. Rc7 {1st}
Rxa2 {1st} 34. Rf7+ {2nd} Kg8 {1st} 35. Rf2 {1st} Ra7 {Not in top 3} 36. c5 {
1st} Rc7 {1st} 37. Rf5 {2nd} g6 {1st} 38. Rd5 {1st} Kf8 {1st} 39. Kf2 {2nd} Rc6
{2nd} 40. Re5 {1st} Ke7 {1st} 41. Ke3 {1st} Ra6 {1st} 42. Kd4 {1st} Ra4+ {2nd}
43. Kc3 {2nd} Ra2 {1st} 44. c6 {Not in top 3} Ra8 {1st} 45. Kd4 {3rd} Kd6 {1st}
46. Rd5+ {2nd} Kxe6 {1st} 47. c7 {2nd} Rc8 {1st} 48. Rc5 {2nd} 1-0

White: Morgado, J
Top 1 Match: 19/35 (54,3% )
Top 2 Match: 31/35 (88,6% )
Top 3 Match: 33/35 (94,3% )

Black: Svenningsson, J
Top 1 Match: 24/35 (68,6% )
Top 2 Match: 28/35 (80,0% )
Top 3 Match: 31/35 (88,6% )

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Morgado, J."]
[Black "Sorensen, H."]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C80"]
[PlyCount "81"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Nxe4 6. d4 b5 7. Bb3 d5 8. a4
Nxd4 9. Nxd4 exd4 10. axb5 Bc5 11. c3 O-O 12. cxd4 Bb6 13. Nc3 Bb7 14. bxa6
Rxa6 15. Rxa6 Bxa6 16. Re1 Bb7 17. Be3 {Takes game out of book; 2nd} c6 {1st}
18. Nxe4 {Not in top 3} dxe4 {1st} 19. Qc2 {3rd} Qd6 {3rd} 20. Qc4 {
Not in top 3} Kh8 {Not in top 3} 21. Rd1 {Not in top 3} Bc7 {1st} 22. g3 {1st}
Qd7 {1st} 23. Ba4 {3rd} f5 {1st} 24. d5 {1st} cxd5 {1st} 25. Qxe4 {2nd} fxe4 {
1st} 26. Bxd7 {1st} Rd8 {2nd} 27. Bf5 {2nd} Re8 {Not in top 3} 28. Bd7 {3rd}
Re7 {1st} 29. Bf5 {Not in top 3} Be5 {Not in top 3} 30. Bxe4 {1st} Bxb2 {1st}
31. Bxd5 {1st} Rd7 {2nd} 32. Bf3 {2nd} Rxd1+ {1st} 33. Bxd1 {1st} g6 {3rd} 34.
g4 {Not in top 3} Kg7 {3rd} 35. f3 {1st} Bf6 {Not in top 3} 36. f4 {1st} Be4 {
Not in top 3} 37. Bb3 {2nd} h6 {1st} 38. Be6 {Not in top 3} g5 {Not in top 3}
39. f5 {Not in top 3} Bf3 {Not in top 3} 40. h3 {1st} Be4 {Not in top 3} 41.
Bc4 {3rd} 1/2-1/2

White: Morgado, J
Top 1 Match: 9/24 (37,5% )
Top 2 Match: 14/24 (58,3% )
Top 3 Match: 18/24 (75,0% )

Black: Sorensen, H
Top 1 Match: 11/25 (44,0% )
Top 2 Match: 13/25 (52,0% )
Top 3 Match: 16/25 (64,0% )

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Engel, K."]
[Black "Morgado, J."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A25"]
[PlyCount "62"]
[TimeControl "1"]

1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. g3 g6 4. Bg2 Bg7 5. e3 d6 6. Nge2 h5 7. O-O {
Takes game out of book; Not in top 3} Nh6 {Not in top 3} 8. Nd5 {1st} Bg4 {
Not in top 3} 9. d3 {1st} Qd7 {2nd} 10. b4 {Not in top 3} Kf8 {Not in top 3}
11. h4 {Not in top 3} Re8 {Not in top 3} 12. f3 {Not in top 3} Bh3 {3rd} 13.
Rb1 {Not in top 3} Bxg2 {2nd} 14. Kxg2 {1st} Nd8 {2nd} 15. b5 {1st} Ne6 {1st}
16. e4 {1st} f5 {Not in top 3} 17. Bxh6 {Not in top 3} Rxh6 {1st} 18. f4 {
Not in top 3} Kg8 {1st} 19. Qd2 {2nd} c6 {3rd} 20. bxc6 {1st} bxc6 {1st} 21.
Ne3 {Not in top 3} exf4 {1st} 22. Nxf4 {1st} fxe4 {1st} 23. Nxe6 {1st} Qxe6 {
1st} 24. d4 {1st} Rh7 {Not in top 3} 25. Rb7 {Not in top 3} Bh6 {1st} 26. d5 {
1st} cxd5 {1st} 27. cxd5 {1st} Qe5 {1st} 28. Rb3 {1st} Rf7 {Not in top 3} 29.
Rxf7 {1st} Kxf7 {1st} 30. Qd1 {Not in top 3} Bxe3 {1st} 31. Rxe3 {1st} Rb8 {1st
} 0-1

White: Engel, K
Top 1 Match: 14/25 (56,0% )
Top 2 Match: 15/25 (60,0% )
Top 3 Match: 15/25 (60,0% )

Black: Morgado, J
Top 1 Match: 13/25 (52,0% )
Top 2 Match: 16/25 (64,0% )
Top 3 Match: 18/25 (72,0% )

This game has too few non-database moves for analysis purposes.


14 Jul 06
30 Jul 09
Vote Up
Vote Down

3rd Place
Keith Richardson

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Richardson, K."]
[Black "Sanakoev, G."]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B85"]
[PlyCount "90"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be3 Qc7 7. Be2 e6 8. a4
Nc6 9. O-O Be7 10. f4 O-O 11. Kh1 Bd7 12. Nb3 b6 13. Bf3 Rfd8 14. Qe2 Be8 15.
Rad1 {Takes game out of book; Not in top 3} Nd7 {Not in top 3} 16. Bf2 {
Not in top 3} Nc5 {1st} 17. Nd4 {Not in top 3} Rab8 {Not in top 3} 18. f5 {1st}
Nxd4 {2nd} 19. Bxd4 {1st} Nxa4 {2nd} 20. fxe6 {1st} Nxc3 {1st} 21. Bxc3 {1st}
fxe6 {1st} 22. Bg4 {1st} Bd7 {2nd} 23. Qxa6 {1st} b5 {Not in top 3} 24. Ba5 {
3rd} Qc8 {1st} 25. Qxc8 {1st} Rdxc8 {1st} 26. c3 {1st} Rc4 {2nd} 27. Bf3 {3rd}
e5 {1st} 28. Bb4 {1st} Rc6 {2nd} 29. Ra1 {1st} Be6 {2nd} 30. Ra7 {1st} Bf8 {
Not in top 3} 31. Rfa1 {Not in top 3} g6 {2nd} 32. Kg1 {2nd} Bc4 {3rd} 33. Kf2
{1st} Rcb6 {1st} 34. Rc7 {Not in top 3} R6b7 {1st} 35. Rxb7 {2nd} Rxb7 {1st}
36. Ra6 {Not in top 3} Rd7 {3rd} 37. Rb6 {Not in top 3} Rf7 {1st} 38. Ke1 {1st}
Rf6 {1st} 39. Be2 {Not in top 3} Rf4 {1st} 40. Bxc4+ {1st} bxc4 {1st} 41. Bxd6
{2nd} Rxe4+ {1st} 42. Kf2 {2nd} Rf4+ {1st} 43. Kg3 {1st} Rf6 {1st} 44. Bc7 {1st
} Rxb6 {1st} 45. Bxb6 {1st} Kf7 {1st} 1/2-1/2

White: Richardson, K
Top 1 Match: 17/31 (54,8% )
Top 2 Match: 21/31 (67,7% )
Top 3 Match: 23/31 (74,2% )

Black: Sanakoev, G
Top 1 Match: 18/31 (58,1% )
Top 2 Match: 25/31 (80,6% )
Top 3 Match: 27/31 (87,1% )

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Kauranen, R."]
[Black "Richardson, K."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B08"]
[PlyCount "72"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nf3 d6 4. Be2 Nf6 5. Nc3 O-O 6. O-O Bg4 7. Be3 Nc6 8. Qd3
{Takes game out of book; 3rd} e5 {Not in top 3} 9. d5 {1st} Ne7 {2nd} 10. Rad1
{2nd} Bd7 {1st} 11. Nd2 {Not in top 3} Nh5 {Not in top 3} 12. g3 {2nd} a6 {
Not in top 3} 13. Bf3 {Not in top 3} b5 {Not in top 3} 14. a3 {1st} Qe8 {3rd}
15. Qe2 {3rd} Nf6 {Not in top 3} 16. b4 {Not in top 3} h5 {Not in top 3} 17.
Nb3 {1st} Ng4 {1st} 18. Nb1 {Not in top 3} f5 {Not in top 3} 19. exf5 {3rd}
gxf5 {Not in top 3} 20. Bg5 {1st} Bf6 {Not in top 3} 21. Bxf6 {1st} Nxf6 {1st}
22. Bg2 {3rd} Qf7 {Not in top 3} 23. Qd2 {2nd} Kh7 {Not in top 3} 24. Na5 {3rd}
Rg8 {3rd} 25. c4 {2nd} bxc4 {3rd} 26. Nc3 {1st} h4 {1st} 27. Kh1 {Not in top 3}
Qh5 {1st} 28. Qe2 {2nd} Ng4 {3rd} 29. Bf3 {1st} Qh6 {1st} 30. Bxg4 {2nd} Rxg4 {
2nd} 31. f3 {1st} Rg7 {1st} 32. gxh4 {1st} Rag8 {2nd} 33. Nxc4 {1st} Qxh4 {2nd}
34. Ne3 {2nd} f4 {1st} 35. Ng4 {1st} Nf5 {2nd} 36. Qc2 {2nd} Kh8 {1st} 0-1

White: Kauranen, R
Top 1 Match: 11/29 (37,9% )
Top 2 Match: 19/29 (65,5% )
Top 3 Match: 24/29 (82,8% )

Black: Richardson, K
Top 1 Match: 9/29 (31,0% )
Top 2 Match: 14/29 (48,3% )
Top 3 Match: 18/29 (62,1% )

This game has too few non-database moves for analysis purposes.

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Boey, J."]
[Black "Richardson, K."]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B06"]
[PlyCount "109"]
[TimeControl "1"]

1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nf3 d6 4. c3 Nd7 5. Bd3 b6 6. O-O Bb7 7. Nbd2 {
Takes game out of book; Not in top 3} e6 {Not in top 3} 8. Re1 {2nd} Ne7 {2nd}
9. Nf1 {Not in top 3} O-O {1st} 10. Ng3 {1st} c5 {2nd} 11. h4 {Not in top 3}
cxd4 {1st} 12. cxd4 {1st} Rc8 {2nd} 13. h5 {1st} Nc6 {1st} 14. Be3 {1st} e5 {
2nd} 15. hxg6 {Not in top 3} hxg6 {1st} 16. d5 {1st} Nd4 {1st} 17. Qd2 {
Not in top 3} Rc7 {Not in top 3} 18. Rac1 {Not in top 3} Nxf3+ {1st} 19. gxf3 {
1st} Nc5 {3rd} 20. Bc2 {Not in top 3} Qd7 {1st} 21. Kg2 {2nd} f6 {Not in top 3}
22. Rh1 {2nd} Kf7 {Not in top 3} 23. Rh7 {1st} Rh8 {2nd} 24. Rxh8 {1st} Bxh8 {
1st} 25. b4 {3rd} Na6 {1st} 26. f4 {2nd} exf4 {1st} 27. Bxf4 {1st} Rc8 {1st}
28. a3 {2nd} Bg7 {1st} 29. Rh1 {Not in top 3} Nc7 {1st} 30. Be3 {Not in top 3}
Rh8 {Not in top 3} 31. Rxh8 {1st} Bxh8 {1st} 32. Bd4 {1st} Bg7 {1st} 33. f4 {
Not in top 3} Bh6 {1st} 34. Qc1 {2nd} Ne8 {2nd} 35. Be3 {2nd} f5 {Not in top 3}
36. exf5 {1st} Bxd5+ {1st} 37. Kf2 {1st} gxf5 {1st} 38. Nxf5 {1st} Bf8 {3rd}
39. Bd4 {1st} Qe6 {1st} 40. Qd1 {1st} Nf6 {1st} 41. Bxf6 {1st} Kxf6 {1st} 42.
Ne3 {1st} Bb7 {3rd} 43. Qh5 {1st} Ke7 {Not in top 3} 44. Qh7+ {1st} Qf7 {1st}
45. Nf5+ {1st} Ke6 {1st} 46. Qh3 {1st} Kf6 {1st} 47. Qh4+ {1st} Ke6 {1st} 48.
Qg4 {1st} Kf6 {1st} 49. Qg5+ {1st} Ke6 {Only move} 50. Nd4+ {1st} Kd7 {
Only move} 51. Bf5+ {1st} Kc7 {1st} 52. Nb5+ {1st} Kc6 {1st} 53. Nxa7+ {1st}
Kc7 {1st} 54. Nb5+ {1st} Kc6 {1st} 55. Be6 {1st} 1-0

White: Boey, J
Top 1 Match: 31/49 (63,3% )
Top 2 Match: 38/49 (77,6% )
Top 3 Match: 39/49 (79,6% )

Black: Richardson, K
Top 1 Match: 30/48 (62,5% )
Top 2 Match: 36/48 (75,0% )
Top 3 Match: 39/48 (81,3% )


14 Jul 06
30 Jul 09
Vote Up
Vote Down

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Muhana, J."]
[Black "Richardson, K."]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A02"]
[PlyCount "81"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. f4 Nf6 2. e3 g6 3. b3 Bg7 4. Bb2 O-O 5. g4 e5 {Takes game out of book; 1st}
6. fxe5 {2nd} Ne4 {1st} 7. Nf3 {1st} Nc6 {1st} 8. d4 {1st} d6 {1st} 9. exd6 {
Not in top 3} Bxg4 {1st} 10. dxc7 {3rd} Qxc7 {1st} 11. Bg2 {3rd} Bh6 {1st} 12.
O-O {3rd} Bxe3+ {1st} 13. Kh1 {1st} Nf2+ {Not in top 3} 14. Rxf2 {1st} Bxf2 {
1st} 15. Qd2 {1st} Bxf3 {1st} 16. Bxf3 {1st} Bh4 {1st} 17. d5 {1st} Ne5 {1st}
18. d6 {1st} Qc5 {1st} 19. Bxb7 {1st} Rab8 {2nd} 20. Bg2 {1st} Rfe8 {3rd} 21.
Ba3 {1st} Qb6 {2nd} 22. Nc3 {1st} Qa5 {1st} 23. Bb2 {1st} Nc4 {1st} 24. bxc4 {
1st} Rxb2 {1st} 25. Rf1 {1st} Qe5 {2nd} 26. Bd5 {1st} Rf8 {1st} 27. Ne4 {
Not in top 3} Kg7 {2nd} 28. a3 {1st} Bd8 {Not in top 3} 29. Rf2 {Not in top 3}
f5 {1st} 30. Nc5 {1st} Re8 {1st} 31. Nb7 {1st} Rb1+ {2nd} 32. Kg2 {1st} Bh4 {
Not in top 3} 33. d7 {1st} Rb8 {1st} 34. Re2 {1st} Qa1 {1st} 35. Nc5 {1st} Rg1+
{1st} 36. Kh3 {1st} g5 {Not in top 3} 37. Qe3 {1st} Qf1+ {2nd} 38. Bg2 {1st}
Qxe2 {1st} 39. Qxe2 {1st} Re1 {1st} 40. Qd3 {1st} Kg6 {3rd} 41. Bf3 {1st} 1-0

White: Muhana, J
Top 1 Match: 29/36 (80,6% )
Top 2 Match: 30/36 (83,3% )
Top 3 Match: 33/36 (91,7% )

Black: Richardson, K
Top 1 Match: 24/36 (66,7% )
Top 2 Match: 30/36 (83,3% )
Top 3 Match: 32/36 (88,9% )

This game has too few non-database moves for analysis purposes.

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Richardson, K."]
[Black "Kletsel, M."]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B96"]
[PlyCount "127"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4 Nbd7 8. Bc4
Qb6 9. Qd2 {Takes game out of book; 1st} Qxb2 {1st} 10. O-O {1st} Qb4 {1st} 11.
Bb3 {2nd} Be7 {1st} 12. Rad1 {2nd} Nc5 {Not in top 3} 13. Qe1 {1st} h6 {2nd}
14. Bh4 {2nd} Nfxe4 {Not in top 3} 15. Nxe4 {1st} Qxe1 {1st} 16. Rfxe1 {1st}
Bxh4 {1st} 17. Nxd6+ {1st} Kf8 {1st} 18. Re5 {1st} Nxb3 {1st} 19. Nxb3 {3rd}
Bd8 {1st} 20. Kf1 {Not in top 3} b6 {2nd} 21. c4 {Not in top 3} Bc7 {
Not in top 3} 22. c5 {1st} Ke7 {Not in top 3} 23. Nd4 {1st} bxc5 {Not in top 3}
24. Nc6+ {2nd} Kd7 {1st} 25. Nxc8+ {2nd} Kxc6 {1st} 26. Ne7+ {1st} Kb5 {1st}
27. Rb1+ {1st} Kc4 {1st} 28. Rc1+ {1st} Kd3 {1st} 29. Rexc5 {1st} Bxf4 {1st}
30. Rd1+ {1st} Bd2 {1st} 31. Nc6 {1st} f6 {1st} 32. Rb1 {2nd} Be3 {1st} 33.
Rb3+ {2nd} Ke4 {1st} 34. Rc4+ {1st} Kd5 {1st} 35. Rbc3 {1st} e5 {Not in top 3}
36. Nb4+ {1st} Ke6 {1st} 37. Rxe3 {2nd} Rhd8 {1st} 38. Ke2 {1st} a5 {2nd} 39.
Nc6 {1st} Rd6 {1st} 40. Ra3 {1st} Kd5 {3rd} 41. Rac3 {1st} Ke6 {1st} 42. Ra3 {
Not in top 3} Kd5 {1st} 43. Rc2 {1st} a4 {1st} 44. Nb4+ {2nd} Ke6 {1st} 45. Nd3
{Not in top 3} Rd4 {1st} 46. Nb2 {Not in top 3} Rb4 {Not in top 3} 47. Rac3 {
1st} Rg4 {3rd} 48. Ke3 {2nd} h5 {Not in top 3} 49. Rc4 {Not in top 3} a3 {2nd}
50. Rxg4 {3rd} hxg4 {1st} 51. Nc4 {1st} f5 {1st} 52. Rd2 {2nd} Ra6 {
Not in top 3} 53. Rd8 {1st} Rc6 {1st} 54. Kd3 {1st} e4+ {Not in top 3} 55. Kd4
{1st} Ke7 {2nd} 56. Rd5 {1st} g6 {1st} 57. Ra5 {2nd} Kf6 {1st} 58. g3 {2nd} Rc8
{2nd} 59. Ra6+ {1st} Kg7 {1st} 60. Rxa3 {1st} Rd8+ {1st} 61. Ke5 {1st} Re8+ {
Not in top 3} 62. Kf4 {1st} Kh6 {1st} 63. Ne5 {1st} Re6 {2nd} 64. Rc3 {3rd} 1-0

White: Richardson, K
Top 1 Match: 34/56 (60,7% )
Top 2 Match: 47/56 (83,9% )
Top 3 Match: 50/56 (89,3% )

Black: Kletsel, M
Top 1 Match: 35/55 (63,6% )
Top 2 Match: 42/55 (76,4% )
Top 3 Match: 44/55 (80.0% )

This game has too few non-database moves for analysis purposes.

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Richardson, K."]
[Black "Estrin, Y."]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C82"]
[PlyCount "75"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Nxe4 6. d4 b5 7. Bb3 d5 8.
dxe5 Be6 9. c3 Bc5 10. Nbd2 O-O 11. Bc2 Nxf2 12. Rxf2 f6 13. exf6 Bxf2+ 14.
Kxf2 Qxf6 15. Nf1 Ne5 16. Be3 Nxf3 17. gxf3 Qh4+ 18. Kg1 c6 {
Takes game out of book; Not in top 3} 19. Bc5 {2nd} Rf7 {1st} 20. Qe2 {
Not in top 3} Bd7 {1st} 21. Re1 {1st} Rxf3 {1st} 22. Qxf3 {1st} Qxe1 {1st} 23.
Qh5 {1st} h6 {1st} 24. Qg6 {2nd} Qe6 {2nd} 25. Qh7+ {1st} Kf7 {Only move} 26.
Ne3 {1st} Qf6 {1st} 27. h4 {1st} Rg8 {2nd} 28. Ng2 {1st} Be6 {Not in top 3} 29.
Nf4 {1st} Ke8 {1st} 30. Nxe6 {1st} Qxe6 {1st} 31. Qg6+ {Not in top 3} Qxg6+ {
1st} 32. Bxg6+ {1st} Kd7 {1st} 33. h5 {Not in top 3} Ke6 {2nd} 34. Kf2 {2nd}
Rb8 {2nd} 35. b4 {Not in top 3} Ra8 {1st} 36. Ke3 {Not in top 3} a5 {1st} 37.
a3 {1st} axb4 {2nd} 38. axb4 {1st} 1-0

White: Richardson, K
Top 1 Match: 12/20 (60,0% )
Top 2 Match: 15/20 (75,0% )
Top 3 Match: 15/20 (75,0% )

Black: Estrin, Y
Top 1 Match: 12/20 (60,0% )
Top 2 Match: 16/20 (80,0% )
Top 3 Match: 16/20 (80,0% )

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Svenningsson, J."]
[Black "Richardson, K."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B09"]
[PlyCount "104"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 d6 4. f4 Nf6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Bd3 Na6 7. e5 Nd7 8. Qe2
c5 9. Be3 {Takes game out of book; 1st} cxd4 {2nd} 10. Bxd4 {1st} Ndc5 {
Not in top 3} 11. Bc4 {3rd} Be6 {1st} 12. O-O-O {1st} Rc8 {2nd} 13. Bb3 {
Not in top 3} Bxb3 {Not in top 3} 14. axb3 {1st} Ne6 {1st} 15. Qe3 {
Not in top 3} Qa5 {1st} 16. exd6 {2nd} Nxd4 {1st} 17. Nxd4 {1st} exd6 {2nd} 18.
Rhe1 {2nd} Nb4 {2nd} 19. Kb1 {1st} Rc5 {1st} 20. Re2 {2nd} Rfc8 {1st} 21. Qh3 {
2nd} h5 {Not in top 3} 22. Qf3 {2nd} Qa6 {1st} 23. Na4 {1st} b5 {3rd} 24. c3 {
2nd} bxa4 {1st} 25. cxb4 {1st} Bxd4 {2nd} 26. bxc5 {1st} axb3 {1st} 27. Qxb3 {
2nd} Qxe2 {1st} 28. Rxd4 {1st} dxc5 {2nd} 29. Rd7 {1st} Qf1+ {2nd} 30. Ka2 {1st
} Qxf4 {1st} 31. Rxa7 {1st} Rb8 {Not in top 3} 32. Qd5 {2nd} Qf2 {2nd} 33. Qe5
{1st} Rd8 {1st} 34. Qe7 {1st} Rf8 {1st} 35. Qe4 {2nd} Qf6 {2nd} 36. Re7 {1st}
Kg7 {Not in top 3} 37. Qe5 {1st} Rd8 {1st} 38. Qxf6+ {1st} Kxf6 {1st} 39. Re2 {
1st} Rd5 {Not in top 3} 40. Kb3 {1st} Re5 {1st} 41. Rf2+ {2nd} Kg5 {3rd} 42.
Kc4 {1st} f5 {1st} 43. Kb5 {1st} f4 {1st} 44. Kc6 {2nd} Kf5 {1st} 45. b3 {2nd}
g5 {1st} 46. Kd6 {3rd} g4 {1st} 47. Rc2 {2nd} h4 {2nd} 48. Rf2 {1st} Re3 {3rd}
49. Kxc5 {1st} Rxb3 {2nd} 50. Kc4 {1st} Re3 {3rd} 51. Ra2 {Not in top 3} f3 {
1st} 52. gxf3 {1st} gxf3 {1st} 0-1

White: Svenningsson, J
Top 1 Match: 26/44 (59,1% )
Top 2 Match: 39/44 (88,6% )
Top 3 Match: 41/44 (93,2% )

Black: Richardson, K
Top 1 Match: 23/44 (52,3% )
Top 2 Match: 34/44 (77,3% )
Top 3 Match: 38/44 (86,4% )


14 Jul 06
30 Jul 09
Vote Up
Vote Down

This game has too few non-database moves for analysis purposes.

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Engel, K."]
[Black "Richardson, K."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "E74"]
[PlyCount "112"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. c4 g6 2. Nc3 Bg7 3. d4 Nf6 4. e4 O-O 5. Be2 d6 6. Bg5 c5 7. dxc5 Qa5 8. Bd2
Qxc5 9. h3 Nc6 10. Nf3 Ne5 11. Nxe5 Qxe5 12. Qc2 Be6 13. f4 {
Takes game out of book; 3rd} Qc5 {1st} 14. Rc1 {2nd} Nh5 {Not in top 3} 15. Qd3
{1st} f5 {Not in top 3} 16. Nd5 {3rd} Bxd5 {3rd} 17. cxd5 {1st} Qd4 {3rd} 18.
exf5 {1st} Qxd3 {1st} 19. Bxd3 {1st} Ng3 {1st} 20. Rh2 {1st} Nxf5 {2nd} 21. g4
{2nd} Nh4 {2nd} 22. Ke2 {2nd} Bxb2 {1st} 23. Rb1 {2nd} Bf6 {1st} 24. Rxb7 {1st}
Rfb8 {1st} 25. Rb3 {1st} Rxb3 {1st} 26. axb3 {1st} Rb8 {Not in top 3} 27. Bc4 {
1st} h6 {1st} 28. Ke3 {2nd} g5 {1st} 29. f5 {2nd} Kf7 {Not in top 3} 30. Ke4 {
Not in top 3} Bd4 {1st} 31. Re2 {1st} Bc5 {1st} 32. Bc3 {1st} Bb4 {1st} 33. Bd4
{1st} a5 {1st} 34. Rf2 {Not in top 3} Be1 {Not in top 3} 35. Rf1 {Not in top 3}
Bd2 {1st} 36. f6 {Not in top 3} Ng6 {2nd} 37. fxe7+ {1st} Nf4 {2nd} 38. Rd1 {
1st} Bb4 {1st} 39. h4 {1st} Kxe7 {2nd} 40. hxg5 {2nd} hxg5 {1st} 41. Kf5 {2nd}
Rf8+ {1st} 42. Kxg5 {1st} Ng2 {1st} 43. Rd3 {Not in top 3} Be1 {Not in top 3}
44. Bc3 {Not in top 3} Bh4+ {3rd} 45. Kh6 {1st} Rg8 {1st} 46. Rf3 {2nd} Rxg4 {
1st} 47. Bxa5 {Not in top 3} Nf4 {1st} 48. Bd2 {Not in top 3} Bg5+ {1st} 49.
Kh7 {1st} Rh4+ {2nd} 50. Kg8 {1st} Bf6 {1st} 51. Re3+ {1st} Be5 {1st} 52. Rxe5+
{1st} dxe5 {1st} 53. Bb4+ {Not in top 3} Kf6 {1st} 54. Bf8 {1st} Rg4+ {1st} 55.
Kh7 {1st} Kf7 {Not in top 3} 56. Bh6 {1st} Ke7 {1st} 0-1

White: Engel, K
Top 1 Match: 24/44 (54,5% )
Top 2 Match: 33/44 (75,0% )
Top 3 Match: 35/44 (79,5% )

Black: Richardson, K
Top 1 Match: 28/44 (63,6% )
Top 2 Match: 34/44 (77,3% )
Top 3 Match: 37/44 (84,1% )

[Event "10th CC World Ch"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1978.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Richardson, K."]
[Black "Kalish, J."]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C71"]
[PlyCount "67"]
[EventDate "1978.??.??"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 d6 5. O-O Bd7 6. c4 Nf6 7. Nc3 Be7 8. d3
O-O 9. h3 Nb8 {Takes game out of book; Not in top 3} 10. d4 {Not in top 3} Bxa4
{3rd} 11. Qxa4 {1st} Nbd7 {Not in top 3} 12. Be3 {1st} c6 {1st} 13. Qc2 {1st}
Qc7 {1st} 14. Rac1 {Not in top 3} Rac8 {2nd} 15. Ne2 {Not in top 3} exd4 {1st}
16. Nfxd4 {3rd} Rfe8 {1st} 17. Nf5 {Not in top 3} Bf8 {1st} 18. f3 {3rd} g6 {
1st} 19. Nh6+ {1st} Bxh6 {1st} 20. Bxh6 {1st} Qa5 {Not in top 3} 21. g4 {
Not in top 3} b5 {1st} 22. cxb5 {3rd} axb5 {1st} 23. Ng3 {Not in top 3} Kh8 {
Not in top 3} 24. b3 {1st} b4 {Not in top 3} 25. Qd2 {1st} Re6 {2nd} 26. Rc4 {
Not in top 3} c5 {2nd} 27. f4 {1st} Nb6 {Not in top 3} 28. f5 {1st} Nxc4 {3rd}
29. Qg5 {1st} Ng8 {Not in top 3} 30. fxe6 {1st} f6 {2nd} 31. Nf5 {3rd} Rc7 {1st
} 32. e7 {1st} Rxe7 {1st} 33. Nxe7 {1st} fxg5 {Not in top 3} 34. Rf8 {1st} 1-0

White: Richardson, K
Top 1 Match: 14/25 (56,0% )
Top 2 Match: 14/25 (56,0% )
Top 3 Match: 18/25 (72,0% )

Black: Kalish, J
Top 1 Match: 11/25 (44,0% )
Top 2 Match: 15/25 (60,0% )
Top 3 Match: 17/25 (68,0% )

1st Place Result:
Palciauskas, V (11 games)
Top 1 Match: 209/355 (58,9% )
Top 2 Match: 268/355 (75,5% )
Top 3 Match: 291/355 (82,0% )

2nd Place Result:
Morgado, J (9 games)
Top 1 Match: 131/247 (53,0% )
Top 2 Match: 189/247 (76,5% )
Top 3 Match: 208/247 (84,2% )

3rd Place Result:
Richardson, K (10 games)
Top 1 Match: 204/361 (56,5% )
Top 2 Match: 258/361 (71,5% )
Top 3 Match: 284/361 (78,7% )


01 Oct 08
30 Jul 09
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very nice work! it's worth noticing that several games have rates beyond 90 percent... the question then is: is a player with a 90 percent rate (on a few games, not on average) surely a computer user, surely not, or unsure, sometimes?


14 Jul 06
30 Jul 09
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Originally posted by Macpo
very nice work! it's worth noticing that several games have rates beyond 90 percent... the question then is: is a player with a 90 percent rate (on a few games, not on average) surely a computer user, surely not, or unsure, sometimes?
Human players can sometimes get 100% top 3 matchup in 1 or 2 games, but the point is that these levels cannot be sustained over any period of time.
It's the high average over many games that is the telltale sign of engine use.

Top 3 matchup cannot be used to detect someone who only uses an engine rarely - it's only real use is for detecting blatant engine users.


23 May 08
30 Jul 09
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I think the best value to get out of engine match up is against positional games. This is where high match ups are pointing towards foul play. High match up of tactical play indicates good tactical awareness and not necessarily cheating.

I wondered but never bothered to ask a while ago. Could it be the case that masters and GMs have a quite high match up not because they can only sustain engine quality moves for a short period but that in actual fact, apart from blunders, the different move choices are actually better??

My point being could players who are weaker than GMs (and thus not able to spot these moves that the engines too missed), actually legitimately have a higher engine move match-up than GMs simply because they are not good enough to spot improvements? The implications obviously being how can we be sure of this and so are all banned players on this site banned fairly?


14 Jul 06
30 Jul 09
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Originally posted by mazattack
I think the best value to get out of engine match up is against positional games. This is where high match ups are pointing towards foul play. High match up of tactical play indicates good tactical awareness and not necessarily cheating.

I wondered but never bothered to ask a while ago. Could it be the case that masters and GMs have a quite high match ...[text shortened]... ously being how can we be sure of this and so are all banned players on this site banned fairly?
On a quick pc the modern engines very rarely miss much - even in 30 second infinite analysis with top 3 moves. They're rated 3000 elo or thereabouts for a reason.

I'd say on average perhaps 1 move in every couple of games clearly "out-Fritzes" the engine, by which I mean that a move it had discounted early on in the 30 second process (or in the hash tabling from previous moves) outscores Fritz's top 1 choice by a significant margin.
Fritz quickly recognises the mistake & re-evaluates.
I've analysed hundreds of top human games & this has never happened twice in a single game.
This means that the results of many hundreds of non-database moves aren't skewed at all by these "out-Fritzing" moves.

On another forum, someone who is apparently a qualified statistician claimed that to be fair I should sample all levels of ability because lower rateds may have higher matchup rates than the GM's I'm looking at...
I pointed out that the engine is 3000 Elo rated, and a lower rated (say 1500) player getting massively high engine matchups would have to conspire to blunder away game after game to remain a lower rated!
This wasn't good enough for our man, so I randomly picked a 1500 rated & analysed the games.
Needless to say, both his & his similarly rated opponents both had very low matchup rates in the games!


23 May 08
30 Jul 09
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What of moves that would be chosen by grandmasters because it leads to a favourable endgame, for instance, where the engine simply will not see that it is the best, second or third best move in the position? How would these moves be found by a non gm or an engine and taken into account? I suspect these types of moves are common, a few a game i would think


14 Jul 06
30 Jul 09
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I'm not a good enough player to recognise these types of subtle strategic nuances.

What I would say though is that the whole point is that the engines play many positions differently to human players (for example, often going for a sharp, winning line when a strong GM might simplify & retain a safe & solid advantage) & that is the whole point of deciding when a matchup rate in many games indicates engine use or not.

Engines do fundamentally play differently to even the best human players, as I think I have shown in many of these threads.

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