25 Mar 21
I don't like it. Black has better moves of 2...Nc6 or 2...e6. White is going to have to exchange that pawn that they spent two moves developing to develop another of black's pawns.
I was wondering what you saw as the advantages and disadvantages of 2. e5.
2.e5 has been played on here 13,700 times with the results favouring Black.
When it was posted the first thing I thought of 2...c4, answer an odd move
with another add move. You have get into the spirit of these games and
with no prize money at stake , you can experiment, take a gamble or two,
My idea was if 3.Bxc4 Qc7.
Hitting the Bishop and e5 pawn. Swapping the c-pawn for the e-pawn is a Sicilian dream.
And yes it has been played before. Game 4631607
dmcunningham - Daddy Chunk RHP 2008.
White sets a trap to win the Black Queen but it could have backfired
with Black winning the White Queen, Black never saw it and went onto lose.
26 Mar 21
@greenpawn34 saidThe odd move I thought of was 2...g5, to try to isolate the e-pawn and attack it with ...Nc6, ...Qc7, ...Bg7, and Nh6-g4 (not necessarily in that order). White will probably obtain a half-open f-file after f4... and will try to gang up on the f7-pawn before Black can consolidate.
When it was posted the first thing I thought of 2...c4, answer an odd move
with another add move.
If Black is looking for sharp play, here it is. 🙂
Wow thank you for this insight and this example game. I have more to say but I'll have to wait until I have more time to properly respond tomorrow. But I greatly appreciate it 🙂