Paul is using the new (only visible to players rated above 2000) tag. Very sensible addition by Russ and Chris, it should prevent all the usual idiotic comments made when someone posts a grown-up game in these forums.
Anyway, nice games Paul, I really liked the way that Anand sacrificed his queen and both rooks for some lasting pressure on the a8 square. Most players wouldn't have considered that at all.
Originally posted by robbie carrobie
ok, there so minature i canae see them
This next game is an oldie but a goodie.
I was reading The Soviet School Of Chess, and it mentions a 12 move win of Botvinnik over Spielmann.
I had to look it up.
It's another amazingly short destruction of a quality player !!!
There is a story behind this game.
Apparently Spielmann had the white side of this the year before and played 8.c5 and lost.
Botvinnik also published analysis of this variation (Panov-Botvinnik).
He conveniently left out the Qb6 move in the published analysis.
Spielmann believed he had not seen his game and decided to bash out the "winning" Qb6.
Botvinnik on the other hand had analyzed it out very deeply, hoping someone would play into it.
That's the way the story goes.
Spielmann down in 12 moves is still quite shocking.
By the way, The Soviet School Of Chess is a great read. My American version mentions all the propaganda inside. I thought that was pretty funny since it was published back in 1961.
I have SO many chessbooks to read !!!
I have to read and return Dynamic Chess Stategy By Suba.
I also have a list of books I intend to cover.
Larsen's Games By Larsen
Capablanca's 100 Best Games By Golombek
(I have played through quite a few games, and they are wonderful.)
This week, I even got My Great Predecessors 1-5 in the mail.
Well, back to my studies. 🙂
Originally posted by Fat Ladystill firing your rockets into cyber space, when will you grow up? it was a piece of humour between paul and i, who happens to be a good friend, it has absolutely nothing to do with you, i repeat nothing, so next time you want to aim your ill willed rockets into cyber space, aim them at someone else!
Paul is using the new (only visible to players rated above 2000) tag. Very sensible addition by Russ and Chris, it should prevent all the usual idiotic comments made when someone posts a grown-up game in these forums.
Anyway, nice games Paul, I really liked the way that Anand sacrificed his queen and both rooks for some lasting pressure on the a8 square. .
Originally posted by robbie carrobie
[b]ok, there so minature i canae see them[/b]
While I have your attention, I couldn't help but post an interesting 3 0 game that I played today. 🙂
I know it's not exciting, but it was a real hard fought game.
After the game, my opponent informed me that although his rating is low he is in fact a USCF expert (2000-2200).
I believe him. This is a pretty good game, especially for three minutes.
I won on time.
A few notes
I seldom play the Sicilian. I really just wanted a change from my usual French Defense and 1. ... e5.
7. ... b5 was the correct book move.
I didn't play it because after 8.Nd5 and c4 I usually end up with some weaknesses on the queenside (although they really shouldn't be a problem).
I really didn't like 13. ... Nxd5 (plugging the d5 hole) because I thought after 14.exd5 knight moves, he has a ready made attack (some combination of Qh5, f4, Rf3, Rh3, etc.)
My moves 15-19 were very accurate.
21. ... e4 was played to remove the queen from defense of d5.
I think 22. ... Qb7 (a move sooner) may have been better.
29. ... Rxa6 first was more accurate.
I think 30.R3a5 was the correct move.
(Sorry, I analyzed this too many hours ago and don't remember it all.)
33. ... Bd4 ! was where I missed my shot. On 34.Kf2, I take on e3 and c4. On 34.Bxd4+ Qxd4+, my e pawn can start to be pushed.
34. ... Rxc4 was better.
It was around this time that extreme time trouble was starting to show (under 20 seconds each).
38. ... Kh7 was a blunder. Towards the end he could have played Ba7 and queened. 🙁
Of course, the game was over on time long before the ending started pretty much.
I thought it was an interesting 3 0 game.
Thanks for looking.