2012 RHP Championship - Report Two

2012 RHP Championship - Report Two

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06 May 08
11 Feb 12
1 edit

More games from the 2012 Championship featuring a 4 move mate,
the first stalemate, an awazing swindle, The Siberian trap,
Checkmate from a clear blue sky, a classy Assassin Pawn mate....

Dark Globe - jjrancourt
talzamir - fridaypub
fishedout - Mcdave78
raiox - jhpoletti
odoodsdudes - Raampje
Rotti - HFRJPcheck
kdl88 - arash & DreamKrusher - arash
Jardreamer - ehenes
Lawrence Schofield - Mountain man

Blog 4


12 Oct 09
11 Feb 12

Originally posted by greenpawn34
More games from the 2012 Championship featuring a 4 move mate,
the first stalemate, an awazing swindle, The Siberian trap,
Checkmate from a clear blue sky, a classy Assassin Pawn mate....

Dark Globe - jjrancourt
talzamir - fridaypub
fishedout - Mcdave78
raiox - jhpoletti
odoodsdudes - Raampje
Rotti - HFRJPcheck
kdl88 - arash & DreamKrusher ...[text shortened]... h
Jardreamer - ehenes
Lawrence Schofield - Mountain man

Blog 4
Surelyin your mate in 4,Black has one more move 4....Ke7

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
11 Feb 12

Originally posted by deenny
Surelyin your mate in 4,Black has one more move 4....Ke7
Mate in 6, not 4. 4 ..... Ke7 5 Bxg5+ Nf6 6 Bxf6 mate.


06 May 08
12 Feb 12
2 edits

That was me choping and changing without correcting the text.
(blame Russ, the letters kept fallen down, it put me off.)

Originally I had this in.

tamperman Keith175 RHP Ch. 2012 Game 9039454
Which is indeed a mate in four. But I was thinking you had seen
too many Scholars Mates so pulled it for a Fool's Mate.

The are nearly two dozen Scholars type Mate with both colours including this.

Fred Ryan - ebbie RHP Ch. 2012

Black sets the Blackburne Shilling Trap. It fails.
Black gets Schoolboy mated


15 Jun 06
12 Feb 12

Originally posted by tomtom232
First h7 bishop sacrifice.

Game 9040997

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
12 Feb 12

Originally posted by tomtom232
Originally posted by tomtom232
[b]First h7 bishop sacrifice.

Game 9040997
I had one though it's pretty obvious to anyone who has Vukovic's Art of Attack in Chess:Game 9039947

All the conditions on p. 123 are fulfilled.

Chess Librarian

The Stacks

21 Aug 09
12 Feb 12

Originally posted by no1marauder
I had one though it's pretty obvious to anyone who has Vukovic's Art of Attack in Chess:Game 9039947

All the conditions on p. 123 are fulfilled.
I hope you don't mind, but this is a beautiful example worthy of posting. Newer players can learn from this:


06 May 08
12 Feb 12
1 edit

Hang on a minute.

Marauder No1 is buying and actually reading his chess books.
Why does he not just simply buy them and leave them unread like the rest.

I've checked TOS. Nothing.
This buying and studying chess books should be against TOS.
99% of the other players on here think it is against TOS.


I'll have to have a word with MadKnight. (I wonder if he is any relation to MadRook?)

Not quite a Bxh7+ Classical Whammo. But White made a right meal out of it.

MadKnight - fubsy RHP Ch. 2012

and in Frostbite99 - MadKnight RHP Ch. 2012.

Here Black played 27...fxg2+ White resigned 6 moves later.
There may be a better move.


19 Jun 06
12 Feb 12

Originally posted by greenpawn34
I'll have to have a word with MadKnight. (I wonder if he is any relation to MadRook?)
No comment. (You can only get into trouble responding to these things.) 😛

And yeah, people who actually read their chess books have an unfair advantage.


Colorado Springs, CO

26 Mar 07
12 Feb 12

I was hoping my 25,000th RHP move played with checkmate would be Championship blog worthy (it was done in one of my 2012 championship games) 🙂

I will try to do something cooler for move 50,000 to try and get in - maybe smothered mate!


21 Jan 12
12 Feb 12

Originally posted by no1marauder
I had one though it's pretty obvious to anyone who has Vukovic's Art of Attack in Chess:Game 9039947

All the conditions on p. 123 are fulfilled.
Really nice.But what if black returns the piece with 15.... Be4?Pawn down but is that resignable?

Am I missing some cunning continuation?


06 May 08
12 Feb 12

It was a championship game. OK next time.

peacedog's keeper

15 Jan 11
12 Feb 12

Originally posted by greenpawn34
Hang on a minute.

Marauder No1 is buying and actually [b]reading
his chess books.
Why does he not just simply buy them and leave them unread like the rest.

I've checked TOS. Nothing.
This buying and studying chess books should be against TOS.
99% of the other players on here think it is against TOS.
Funny you should say that. Bought a chess book for the first in a long time from a secondhand book shop.

Master Chess - A Course in 21 Lessons.

A large chunk of it written by a member of this site.

Determined to break the habits of a lifetime and actually read it, with a chess set out n everything. Problem is, I don't have a chess set. Suppose I could do the jail thing and whittle a set out of an old chair.

Or just buy one.

Chess Librarian

The Stacks

21 Aug 09
12 Feb 12
1 edit

Originally posted by Wilfriedva
Really nice.But what if black returns the piece with 15.... Be4?Pawn down but is that resignable?

Am I missing some cunning continuation?
I think you are right, and I didn't see that at first- but should have!

I'm thinking that neither player noticed ...Be4 because the point of the move is a backward effect on the h7 square. White is still clearly better, but I bet black would have played on if he had noticed.

On the other hand, he may have just decided that a difficult defense a pawn down wasn't worth the effort, and cut his losses.

EDIT: It is entirely possible that black was also familiar with the theme, and beat himself up emotionally so much that he "believed" the attack and did not rationally look for the best defense.

Sometimes a player can "know too much", and make a judgment on a familiar position without noticing a salient feature that changes the evaluation. In this case, I think that describes a few of us, and it's a reminder to sometimes step back and question the "obvious", as sometimes the obvious is only part of the story.


15 Jun 06
13 Feb 12

Originally posted by Paul Leggett
I think you are right, and I didn't see that at first- but should have!

I'm thinking that neither player noticed ...Be4 because the point of the move is a backward effect on the h7 square. White is still clearly better, but I bet black would have played on if he had noticed.

On the other hand, he may have just decided that a difficult defe ...[text shortened]... p back and question the "obvious", as sometimes the obvious is only part of the story.
Actually in the Art of Attack Vladimir Vukovic shows this defensive theme many times in the classic bishop sacrifice section.