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3 move checkmate

3 move checkmate

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how do i do it please help

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1. f3 e5 2. g4 Qh4++
matt in 2 moves!
for the matt in 3 moves there are some others... although: I hope this answers your question...

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see the logo of my clan losing is also an art😡

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there is no f3

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Originally posted by kmw
there is no f3
yep! sorry 😡 should be f6 oder f5...

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Originally posted by babyhawkeye
how do i do it please help
Never try for a 3 move mate.
It never works beyond the beginer level,
Rather look at fast development of pieces, castling and then a systematic attack.

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Although for some reason I have noticed that, in my own play, whenever people threaten the %*^*#?! scholar's mate against me, and I get a bit insulted and try and jump all over them with it, they tend to get a bunch of scary tactics with the early-developed queen all over the place that, because I usually don't play with developed queens in the opening, I have a tendency to miss.

Damn annoying, that.

(Does anyone know of any more standard openings that have early queen development that I can study?)

[Edited by Chrismo to remove a naughty word]

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Originally posted by paultopia
Although for some reason I have noticed that, in my own play, whenever people threaten the %*^*#?! scholar's mate against me, and I get a bit insulted and try and jump all over them with it, they tend to get a bunch of scary tactics with the early-developed queen all over the place that, because I usually don't play with developed queens in the opening, ...[text shortened]... ave early queen development that I can study?)

[Edited by Chrismo to remove a naughty word]
You can try the Scandinavian 1.e4 d5 2. exd Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qa5
The problem with early use of queen in the fight is that opponent's minor pieces amy start pushing it araound. One wastes lot of moves and may find the queen in a spot of bother.
In the Nimzo 4. Qc2 is preety OK.

Beating back a early queen attack is easy with precise play.

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There is an old line, e4 e5 2, Bc4 Be7? 3, Qh5 . its easy to refute but i know players who fell for it.

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Originally posted by kmw
there is no f3
Why not?

1. f3 e5 2.g4 Qh4++ is fine (if somewhat improbable outside of Mossgroup's games).

But to answer the original question - this is not something YOU do, it is something your opponent is stupid enough to do for you.

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Originally posted by Prashant
You can try the Scandinavian 1.e4 d5 2. exd Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qa5
The problem with early use of queen in the fight is that opponent's minor pieces amy start pushing it araound. One wastes lot of moves and may find the queen in a spot of bother.
In the Nimzo 4. Qc2 is preety OK.

Beating back a early queen attack is easy with precise play.
Yea, my problem with early queen attacks is mostly psychological. I get deeply annoyed at seeing that thing out there, and I start pushing it around with minor pieces as per manual, but I do so a little too agressively and end up either (a) dropping a pawn or two, or (b) outright losing a piece to some tactic I've ignored in my sheer lust for getting EVERY SINGLE PIECE I HAVE developed with a threat the queen must meet and gunning for some wildly lopsided position that can't be achieved except against hopeless blunders even with the queen out too early!

Case in point: Game 385185 -- a truly horrific game. In my quest to chase the offending queen around the board, I lose two pawns, then, to make matters worse, in frantically attempting to win the pawns back, I hang a rook. Resign facing a mate-in-one. Embarassing.

So I guess that's an object lesson in not taking the "push the queen around" developement strategy too far...

(Everything I've ever say, incidentally, has naughty words in it :-) Sorry Chrismo for making you edit the earlier post...)

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whenever people threaten the %*^*#?! scholar's mate against me, and I get a bit insulted and try and jump all over them ...
Do you play the sicillian??

e4 c6
Bc4 Nc6
Qf3 (or Qh5)

You can play Ne5, attacking the bishop and possibly the queen as well (if it's on f3). If white played 1e3, you win the bishop.

Note, from e5, the knight is protecting f6 πŸ˜‰

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Originally posted by marinakatomb
Do you play the sicillian??

e4 c6
Bc4 Nc6
Qf3 (or Qh5)

You can play Ne5, attacking the bishop and possibly the queen as well (if it's on f3). If white played 1e3, you win the bishop.

Note, from e5, the knight is protecting f6 πŸ˜‰
I actually got that exact position in a game that is going on right now, so I won't link it or invite comment until it's over per RHP forum ettiquite, but make a quick note that the natural line from that (1. e4 c5 2. Bc4 Nc6 3.Qf3 Ne5 4. Qc3 Nxc4 5. Qxc4 e5) seems to win black a tempo and looks to be a fairly equal position to my rather unpracticed analytical abilities at least.

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Originally posted by marinakatomb
Do you play the sicillian??

e4 c6
Bc4 Nc6
Qf3 (or Qh5)

You can play Ne5, attacking the bishop and possibly the queen as well (if it's on f3). If white played 1e3, you win the bishop.

Note, from e5, the knight is protecting f6 πŸ˜‰
You missed someting

1. e4 c5
2. Bc4 Nc6
3. Qh5 then Ne5 doesnt work. the Qat h5 takes the N at e5.


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Originally posted by Prashant
You missed someting

1. e4 c5
2. Bc4 Nc6
3. Qh5 then Ne5 doesnt work. the Qat h5 takes the N at e5.


That's particularly annoying. I really despise playing against early queen attacks, just tiresome. Of course, 3. Qh5 g6. and the queen goes running back home, one hopes, and black takes the free fianchetto.

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