Hey Lads!
Was in Prague last weekend, lovely place... Anyhow...
There was a fantastic selection of chess sets in so many shops,
But one in particular cought my eye (I didn't buy it though).
I can't even remember how to describe it, but it had 3 sets of pieces - on a Hexagonal board - at least I think it was Hexagonal!? All facing into the centre, the squares crossed each other in a very interesting way - The bishops (for example) reached the centre via they're own diagonal, then had different paths to take form there - absolutely bizzare!
Has anyone ever seen or played on one of these? Thoughts?
I invented a superior version of three player chess last weekend and named it "Flaccid Chess". It differs from the traditional game in that all the knights face backwards instead of forwards. I have patented Flaccid Chess and no-one is allowed to play it without paying me royalties at the rate of 5 pence a move (castling to count as two moves). Spectators need to buy a special licence for £10, which lasts a whole year and allows them to watch any number of Flaccid Chess games.
Although only three days old, the Flaccid Chess Organisation already has 43,000 members (*) and has held tournaments in all the major cities of the world with many thousands of participants (**).
We are hoping to secure the services of Yao Defen (http://tinyurl.com/ybp775) as the Chief Tournament Controller.
(*) Members, sounds a bit rude, doesn't it?
(**) A percentage (***) of these were cardboard cutouts.
(***) 99.99% to be exact.
!!!!! STOP PRESS !!!!!
A Flaccid Chess World Championship Match between those great rivals Alexander Alekhine, José Capablanca and Efim Bogoljubov will almost certainly take place next year. My business partners have invested nearly $15 to ensure that this match happens. Although I haven't managed to secure any of the players' signatures so far, none of them has said that they won't play.
When asked for a statement, Efim joked (*) "When I am Black I lose because I am Bogoljubov, when I am White I lose because I have been dead for 54 years... Where's the beer?"
(*) Via a ouija board
There is another interesting 3 person chess variant out there played on a toroidal board. The rooks can circle endlessly, and the bishops make a beautiful arc. It would definitely appeal to mathmaticians. By the description though, the actual chess play sounded clumsy to me.
There is 4 player chess also. I played online vs a computer. It's complicated but I wipped the computer!
2 players per team and the board is like this:
1 normal board and then attach 2 ranks to each edge.The pieces go on the 2 extra ranks for each side.
I can't remember the website address. someone had posted it here several months ago.