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5 minute Morra.  Speculate to accumulate!

5 minute Morra. Speculate to accumulate!

Only Chess

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Plenty of mistakes by both, but I thought I'd share an interesting blitz game using the Morra against a fairly decent opponent.
I'm not entirely sure 9.Nd5?! is sound, and after a quick glance at Stockfish 14.Bxf6 probably deserves a ??
Still, a fun game and please excuse later errors because we were both down to about a minute left by move 30.

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Black sure made a lot of pawn moves instead of getting his pieces developed 🤔

In the first 14 moves 12 were pawn moves by black!
Some forced but most were not.

Good game none the less!

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Good for blitz as the psychological impact of the sac (Nd5) is worth its weight in gold in blitz. Any Sicilian player should guard against making too many pawn moves/pawn grabs.

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More Morra carnage. Rook infiltration!
5 minutes against a 2000 rated blitz player.
Quite an instructive game this, for anyone interested in taking up this opening.
It has the signature set-up, with the e4-e5 push and again the knight sac on d5.

Enjoy. I did 🙂


Looks like white blew his pieces trying to attack, probably too soon.

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Hi Zygalski,

That first game, this postion.

Reminded me very much of my OTB Club Championship game v Richard Kynoch.
this was the final position in our game:

Three pieces can take the piece giving mate...but they are all King-Pinned!
I was looking for similar type of mate in your game.

G. Chandler - R. Kynoch, Edinburgh 1981

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Haha! Great final position in that game. ^^
Makes me feel rather claustrophobic...

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@eladar said
Looks like white blew his pieces trying to attack, probably too soon.
Which game are you looking at? G1 or G2?

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