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517 move endgame

517 move endgame

Only Chess

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The record has stood for nearly five years now. Does anyone know if research is still being done, or if any other long mates have been discovered recently?


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Interesting article on Wiki. I suspect that if you are rich enough to own a supercomputer you probably have more important uses for it than creating tablebases.

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Originally posted by alan996

The record has stood for nearly five years now. Does anyone know if research is still being done, or if any other long mates have been discovered recently?

Does anyone know why someone joins a chess site over 3 years ago and then doesn't play chess?

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Perhaps he waitying for a tablebase that works out the win from

This is the postion in question.

White to play and win in 517 moves.

These tables are a load of jack. I'm mating the guy in 3 moves.

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Here is the game the OP is referring to. Personally I love going through this game occasionally just to remind myself how wonderfully complicated chess is.

Black to play, and white to win in 517 moves:

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"...just to remind myself how wonderfully complicated chess is. "

What's complicated about it? It's a win in 517 moves.
Any fool can see that. 🙂

If you click on 'play' it takes the RHP PGN mover thingy approx 1 minute
to make 10 white and 10 Black moves.

It will take nearly an hour to 'watch' the game.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
"...just to remind myself how wonderfully complicated chess is. "

What's complicated about it? It's a win in 517 moves.
Any fool can see that. 🙂
Haha, since it's so easy would you care to annotate the game for us? Why is 35. Kb5! the only winning move? 😉

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Annotating the game would be plagiarism.

All this, including the 517 move end game is opening theory and was
first mentioned in MCO 1. It's a line from the Queens Gambit Declined.

Of course paper was short in them days so you only got the first 45 moves
but I do recall seeing the note.

"...and White wins in 517 moves."

I don't have MCO 1 on hand but I think it's on page 164, note s.

In 1921 Rubenstein said White could win quicker with 294 Qg8 claiming it was a TN
but Capablanca (without sight of the board) proved this was not the case.

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Seriously though, I wonder if humans will ever be able to understand a lot of these seemingly random positions. Do Kramnik and other top boring positional players spend hours going over tablebase endgames trying to decipher God's strategy?

Take this position for example:

White to move and win in 99 moves. Can anyone find the first move?

1. Kg2! ... I mean..what? Is there a human on this earth who understands this move?

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cracking thread! lolz


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I think its to stop the black queen from reaching h1 Bosintang.

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What the computer has done is show the fantastic possibilities and postions
that lay within the game.

It's still a game where a Gnat can drink and an Elephant can bathe.
We are being shown there is room for a herd of Elephants to bathe.

I wonder in that 99 mover if there is a postion such as this lurking
within one of the the variations.

White to play. He cannot promote to a Queen becuase of Qe7 KxQ Stalemate.

So White would have to under promote and have three Rooks v a Queen.

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So at the end of the day no-one knows the answer.

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Originally posted by bosintang
Here is the game the OP is referring to. Personally I love going through this game occasionally just to remind myself how wonderfully complicated chess is.

Black to play, and white to win in 517 moves:

[pgn][FEN "8/1r6/8/6n1/5k2/1b6/3K3N/7Q b - - 0 1"] 1...Rd7+ 2.Kc3! Bd1 3.Qf1+! Bf3 4.Qc1+! Kf5 5.Kb2! Rb7+ 6.Ka3 Ra7+ 7.Kb4 Rb7+ 8.Ka5 Ra7+ 9.Kb6 R ...[text shortened]... + Kh6 512.Qe3 Be6 513.Ne5 Bd5 514.Qd4 Bg8 515.Qd2 Nf6 516.Nf3 Nd5+ 517.Kb7 Kg7 518.Qxg5+[/pgn]
The final position doesn't look like mate to me.

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Originally posted by ketchuplover
The final position doesn't look like mate to me.
It's not. There's another 14 (or something like that) moves left to mate, but the final position was already a known ending.

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