Originally posted by NowakowskiI suspect this 'problem' was 'composed' by computer - just place a lot of white pieces in striking distance of the black King, then ask Fritz if there's a forced mate. The end result of such 'compositions' is ugly solutions full of duals [i.e. multiple ways to mate the black King at the end].
Hint: 6. Qxg7+
[fen]2r2nk1/p3q1pp/1prnNp1B/4pP1Q/PP1p3N/1B2P2P/P2P3P/6RK w - - 0 1 [/fen]
As such, I recommend that solvers not waste time on this. Here is one of the cleaner lines:
1. Bxg7 Nxe6 2. Bxe6+ Qxe6 3. Bxf6+ Kf8 4. Qh6+ Ke8 5. fxe6 Rc1 6. Qh5+ Kf8 [or 6...Nf7 7.Qxf7#]
7. e7#
Here is one of the ugly lines:
1. Bxg7 Nxe6 2. Bxe6+ Qxe6 3. Bxf6+ Kf8 4. Qh6+ Kf7 5. Qg7+ Ke8 6. fxe6 and white threatens mate by Qe7, Qg8 or Qh8 - duals, since black can't stop all the threats.
This problem was solved by computer. [quid pro quo]
Notice how the "hint" 6.Qxg7+ never showed up. That's because there are multiple variations that run 7 moves. In view of this, the 'hint' never should have been given.
I don't really have anything useful to say about this one. It's neither an interesting problem nor a clever win from a real game.
The position is very artificial, with the potential discovered check when the knight on e6 moves and the incredible amount of pressure on g7. It's difficult to see what White's last move could have been since either moving the knight to win material or simply taking on g7 would have been very good options.
The position lacks any of the requirements of a good puzzle. The key move is obvious and it's no surprise that White has a mate in seven in that position.
For a much more elegant problem - take a look at one that Heinzkat posted on his blog last year:
Only a mate in two, but it took me half an hour to solve!