Hi folks,
I blundered a rook in the center of the board thinking I was playing a cute tactic on my opponent's queen- I moved too fast and immediately realized I screwed up.
There was still lots of stuff on the board, so I pretended like it really was a sac, and played harrassing moves, looking for a draw by repetition.
I thought we were going to draw, but my opponent wanted to play on, and it ended with me having a pretty mate.
There is no justice in chess sometimes.
[Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.playtheimmortalgame.com"]
[Date "2010.08.07"]
[EndDate "2010.08.12"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Paul Leggett"]
[Black ""]
[WhiteRating "1854"]
[BlackRating "1595"]
[WhiteELO "1854"]
[BlackELO "1595"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "7659645"]
1. d4 d5 2. Bc1f4 e6 3. e3 Bf8d6 4. Bf4xd6 Qd8xd6 5. Qd1g4 g6 6. Nb1d2 h5
7. Qg4d1 Bc8d7 8. Bf1d3 Nb8c6 9. c3 Nc6e7 10. Ng1f3 Ne7f5 11. O-O h4
12. e4 dxe4 13. Nd2xe4 Qd6e7 14. h3 Ng8f6 15. Ne4c5 b6 16. Nc5xd7 Nf6xd7
17. Bd3e4 Ra8d8 18. Qd1a4 a5 19. Nf3e5 Qe7d6 20. Be4c6 Ke8e7 21. Ne5c4 Qd6f4 22. Ra1e1 Nf5d6 23. Nc4e5 Nd7xe5 24. Re1xe5 f6 25. Re5xe6 Ke7xe6
26. d5 Ke6f5 27. Qa4c2 Qf4e4 28. Qc2c1 Qe4f4 29. Qc1c2 Kf5g5 30. Rf1e1 Rh8h7 31. b3 Nd6f5 32. Re1e4 Qf4d6 33. Re4e6 Qd6f4 34. Re6e4 Qf4d6 35. Re4e6 Qd6f8 36. Qc2c1 Kg5h5 37. Qc1f4 Rh7e7 38. d6 g5 39. Qf4xf5 Rd8xd6 40. Re6xe7 Qf8xe7 41. Bc6e8 Qe7xe8 42. Qf5h7 1-0