This game has popped up on another site. I've added these notes.
I was waiting for him to defend the d-pawn. I rarely took the
Scandinavian pawn back often playing c6 or e6 depending on the mood.
But here after 5...0-0 I was running out of pass the buck moves waiting for c4.
Then came 6.c4 and I made it up as I went along even changing my
mind where I wanted my Knight on moves 11 & 12 reasoning after h4 I
cannot sac on h2 (there is nothing there) so I'll bring back the Knight to
f6 then to h5 and sac on g3 or f4.
This will involve another sac of the exchange (it's the Petrosian in me, I
cannot subdue it.) This mode of thinking was the closest I ever came to
positional play!
Then it was back to my hobby of missing quicker mates and pinning Kings and Queens.
The final mate involves pins:
26.Kh1 Ng3+ 27 Kg1 Qf1 Mate.
Neither of us moved our Queen Knights, (or Queen's Rooks - I gave my
one up which is what you suppose to do with your Queen's Rook when facing a King's fianchetto.)