EVENT | ChessCube Game |
SITE | www.chesscube.com |
DATE | 2012.03.21 |
ROUND | - |
WHITE | sawyert<a href="/chess-player/chesscube" onclick="XPopPlayerProfile( 'chesscube');return false;">@chesscube</a>.com |
BLACK | notna99<a href="/chess-player/chesscube" onclick="XPopPlayerProfile( 'chesscube');return false;">@chesscube</a>.com |
RESULT | 1-0 |
WHITEELO | 1799 |
BLACKELO | 1886 |
ECO | C30 |
[Event "ChessCube Game"]
[Site "www.chesscube.com"]
[Date "2012.03.21"]
[Round "-"]
[White "sawyert<a href="/chess-player/chesscube" onclick="XPopPlayerProfile( 'chesscube');return false;">@chesscube</a>.com"]
[Black "notna99<a href="/chess-player/chesscube" onclick="XPopPlayerProfile( 'chesscube');return false;">@chesscube</a>.com"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1799"]
[BlackElo "1886"]
[ECO "C30"]
[Time "15:30:02"]
[TimeControl "300"]
1. e4 e5 2. f4 {my favorite opening as white, especially playing blitz, the King's Gambit} Nc6 3. Bc4 {3.Nf3 invites ...f5 which isn't so great after the move played due to 4.exf5 with the threat of 5.Qh5+} exf4 4. Nf3 {now we've transposed to a KGA except blacks knight is on c6 which has the drawback of being a target for my d pawn} Bc5 {? This really just helps white} 5. d4 Be7 {maybe this is where the bishop should have been put in the first place} 6. O-O {putting off Bxf4 because I don't want to allow him to weaken my kingside any further with something like ...Bh4+} d6 7. Bxf4 Be6 {?? blundering a piece to a pawn fork or allowing a trade of light square bishops which, in the KGA, is akin to chess suicide} 8. Bxe6 {taking the piece has its drawbacks for me... it basically means the end of my attack where all I get is a piece for a pawn when what I really want is the king} fxe6 9. d5 {! see the knight is a target!} exd5 10. exd5 Na5 11. Nd4 {the whole point of move 9 was to get my knight out of the way of my queen but the mighty knight doesn't want to be on just any old square} Qd7 12. Ne6 Nf6 13. Nxg7+ Kf7 14. Ne6 {? I think Bh6 first would have been better but I didn't think it could be prevented} h6 {this was a nice defensive move as my plan was to put my bishop on h6} 15. Be3 {next best diagonal I guess... I could have once again won a piece with 15. Be2 because of the mate threat on the king but then my attack would be over. I would waste two tempi for a piece that has to move twice just to get back in the game... chess players need to keep in mind that there is more to material in chess and sometimes refusing to take material is just as grand as giving it up in a daring sacrifice} Rag8 16. Qh5+ {the beginning of the end for black... the rest really needs no comment} Rg6 17. Nc3 Nc4 18. Bd4 Ne5 19. Ne4 c5 20. Rxf6+ Bxf6 21. Rf1 cxd4 22. Rxf6+ Ke7 23. Rxg6 Nxg6 24. Qxg6 Qe8 25. Qg7+ Qf7 26. Qxh8 Qh5 27. Qd8+ Kf7 28. Nxd6+ Kg6 29. Qg8 Kf6 30.Qg7#
[Site "www.chesscube.com"]
[Date "2012.03.21"]
[Round "-"]
[White "sawyert<a href="/chess-player/chesscube" onclick="XPopPlayerProfile( 'chesscube');return false;">@chesscube</a>.com"]
[Black "notna99<a href="/chess-player/chesscube" onclick="XPopPlayerProfile( 'chesscube');return false;">@chesscube</a>.com"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1799"]
[BlackElo "1886"]
[ECO "C30"]
[Time "15:30:02"]
[TimeControl "300"]
1. e4 e5 2. f4 {my favorite opening as white, especially playing blitz, the King's Gambit} Nc6 3. Bc4 {3.Nf3 invites ...f5 which isn't so great after the move played due to 4.exf5 with the threat of 5.Qh5+} exf4 4. Nf3 {now we've transposed to a KGA except blacks knight is on c6 which has the drawback of being a target for my d pawn} Bc5 {? This really just helps white} 5. d4 Be7 {maybe this is where the bishop should have been put in the first place} 6. O-O {putting off Bxf4 because I don't want to allow him to weaken my kingside any further with something like ...Bh4+} d6 7. Bxf4 Be6 {?? blundering a piece to a pawn fork or allowing a trade of light square bishops which, in the KGA, is akin to chess suicide} 8. Bxe6 {taking the piece has its drawbacks for me... it basically means the end of my attack where all I get is a piece for a pawn when what I really want is the king} fxe6 9. d5 {! see the knight is a target!} exd5 10. exd5 Na5 11. Nd4 {the whole point of move 9 was to get my knight out of the way of my queen but the mighty knight doesn't want to be on just any old square} Qd7 12. Ne6 Nf6 13. Nxg7+ Kf7 14. Ne6 {? I think Bh6 first would have been better but I didn't think it could be prevented} h6 {this was a nice defensive move as my plan was to put my bishop on h6} 15. Be3 {next best diagonal I guess... I could have once again won a piece with 15. Be2 because of the mate threat on the king but then my attack would be over. I would waste two tempi for a piece that has to move twice just to get back in the game... chess players need to keep in mind that there is more to material in chess and sometimes refusing to take material is just as grand as giving it up in a daring sacrifice} Rag8 16. Qh5+ {the beginning of the end for black... the rest really needs no comment} Rg6 17. Nc3 Nc4 18. Bd4 Ne5 19. Ne4 c5 20. Rxf6+ Bxf6 21. Rf1 cxd4 22. Rxf6+ Ke7 23. Rxg6 Nxg6 24. Qxg6 Qe8 25. Qg7+ Qf7 26. Qxh8 Qh5 27. Qd8+ Kf7 28. Nxd6+ Kg6 29. Qg8 Kf6 30.Qg7#