Originally posted by greenpawn34It's all part of the psychology of chess. But I would have played 11...Qd7
Played on Gameknot a few minutes ago. (I'm Black so invert the board) 3/0
(and yes I meant to sac the Rook. All part of the plan.)
[Event "GameKnot Blitz"]
[Site "http://gameknot.com/"]
[Date "2013.06.24"]
[Round "-"]
[White "babag"]
[Black "kidzebra"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3. c3 d5 4. Qxd4 Nf6 5. e5 Nc6 6. Bb5 Ne ...[text shortened]... t's a checkmate....You should see the losses when the tricks don't work.}[/pgn]
The Instructor
Originally posted by vivifyIt wasn't a Queen's Gambit. That opening goes
That's cool; but isn't that a seriously huge risk? What if white had played 13. Qxd5? Or is it that you know this is a huge risk, but you find this more entertaining?
Also, why accept the Queen's Gambit? Most higher-ranked players I've played decline it.
Also, 13.Qxd5 loses.
The one who took the huge risk this game was white for letting his K get so exposed.
Hi Viv.
It's a quick blitz game. They in the great shape of things then mean nothing
and should be viewed as fun skittles, a quick knock about where anything
can happen.
I've beaten GM's in OTB blitz, I've lost to 1300 players.
I only play blitz to have some fun, others I know take it more seriously.
I want to win but I also like to see how far I can push out the boat.
A risk?
The only risk is forgetting or not being allowed to add the punchline in a joke.
All blitz games are jokes and this time I was allowed the punchline.
The opening was a Danish Gambit Declined.