Originally posted by Fat Ladyif they are like me they just can't be bothered to play chess at the moment, i'm sure they'll move before the time-bank runs out.
I'm getting used to people getting disappeared (to use a Catch 22 phrase) and timing out all of their games, but why would someone stop playing all their games whilst continuing to post regularly on the forums, as one of my current opponents is doing?
Originally posted by Fat LadyWhy don't you just send a PM to the guy? He can answer your question better than us?.
It's alexstclaire. As I said, I don't really care if he's gone away, but it's strange to continue posting on the forums but allowing yourself to lose all your games on time. I was enjoying our game and was looking forward to seeing what would happen.
Originally posted by Fat Ladysometimes I'm so tired I don't even want think about or even look at my games, so I just won't. but I still visit the forums. usually I'll get some sleep in a day or two, and start thinking about positions again. -maybe he has something similar, but for a longer time?
It's alexstclaire. As I said, I don't really care if he's gone away, but it's strange to continue posting on the forums but allowing yourself to lose all your games on time. I was enjoying our game and was looking forward to seeing what would happen.
Originally posted by Fat LadyI've actually resigned 50 of my games recently because I have to focus on my studies.
I'm getting used to people getting disappeared (to use a Catch 22 phrase) and timing out all of their games, but why would someone stop playing all their games whilst continuing to post regularly on the forums, as one of my current opponents is doing?
It's my fault I started too many games, and against very strong, or very high-rated opponents, but I couldn't handle the game load and meet the timebanks, hence all of the resignations.
I occasionally post in the forums because I enjoy doing so; I'm not sure if I have the time as many of my recent posts are in the late hours of the night.