The following was part of a message from the ECF which was just emailed to all members of that illustrious organisation. This job sounds ideal for Greenpawn - he'd make Chess Moves a magazine worth reading!
Chess Moves
Andrew Farthing had stood down as editor of Chess Moves for personal reasons.The Federation are grateful for Andrew's contribution in editing our house magazine for the past year or more, and wish him well in his future activities.
The Board are now seeking to appoint a new editor. The person appointed will be responsible for coordinating the production of the newsletter. They will commission, source and edit articles for the publication from both regular and casual contributors, and incorporate within the publication such official news items as the Board shall from time to time request, together with reports on the meetings of the Federation's Council. They will liaise with the office staff on production of the document, which is currently available as a pdf for download from the website exclusively by members of the Federation.
The appointee will report to the Director of Membership, to whom applications for this post should be sent in the first instance.
Dave Thomas, ECF Director of Membership
This bit:
"..and incorporate within the publication such official news items as
the Board shall from time to time request, together with reports
on the meetings of the Federation's Council."
They will be telling you what to put in it. I will not shackled down.
They want a Yes Man.
And anyway I'd only get them sued within the first few issues.
I shall pass on this one. It is better for all concerned.